PPT has 12 mult choice questions. Pupils need to decide which category the question falls in i.e. identity, expression, equation or formula. Can be used for whole class discussion and mini whiteboards activity. Answers are included in the ppt.
The first column has the formula a=...... The second has the formula b=...... Match the rearranged formulae from both columns. Letters a and b used throughout so as to increase difficulty of task.
Step by step lesson using bar modelling.<br />
Converting Improper to Mixed. <br />
Converting Mixed to Improper.<br />
Question pages included with stretch.
A 2 page worksheet with 12 sections that make up a complete set of lesson activities. Literacy, memory, rearranging with numbers, drawing bar models to represent numbers and algebra (split into add/subtract and then multiply/divide) Eventually leading to an understanding of two step equations, reverse operations and solving. The method is more important than the solution in this activity.
Bar Modelling methods and pedagogy used throughout. Each lesson plan is suitable for both teachers and students using these methods.<br />
Fraction of an amount Bar modelling step by step - How do you use bar modelling to find 1/4 or 3/5 of an amount?<br />
Find fractions of an amount and reverse methods - Demo of bar modelling to find 4/7 of am amount + differentiated questions including ; unit fractions, any fraction, reverse unit fractions, reverse any fraction<br />
Fractions of 60 - Matching card activity to cut and use<br />
Multiply Fractions with bar models - Fraction x fraction step by step + thoughtful questions<br />
Dividing - Bar model of Fraction divided by a whole number - Bar model of whole divided by a fraction<br />
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions - Two colour match activities using same initial questions, but showing different outcomes of either multiplying of dividing.
A set of Level 3 maths homework sheets designed to improve retention through practise of basic skills and techniques. There are 21 sheets which build on the skills and full answers are included. There is also a progress sheet to record individuals or class progress for each topic. This is particularly useful if you are assessing without levels. <br />
The work is level 3 but designed for pupils accessing the secondary curriculum. <br />
List of topics covered on the level 2 to 3 are:<br />
• Addition (sum of)<br />
• Subtraction (difference)<br />
• Times tables (product of)<br />
• Division by single digit<br />
• Double<br />
• Half<br />
• Decimals (add and subtract)<br />
• Angles and degrees<br />
• Write numbers in words<br />
• Sequences<br />
• Types of numbers (odd, even, factor, multiple)<br />
• 2D shapes facts<br />
• Money and change<br />
• Worded question / problem<br />
• Temperatures and negatives<br />
• Perimeter<br />
• Area<br />
• Mode & Range<br />
• Probability (fraction)<br />
• Combination of digits<br />
• 50% of and 25% of<br />
Ten starter activities , each containing ten questions that repeat each time but increase in difficulty ( ideal to give confidence and then become more challenging)<br /><br />
Topics for the starters include : simplify, expand, powers, inequalities, perimeter and areas and more ....<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Also 8 pieces of mixed non-calculator homework to improve retention of facts and skills. First 4 contain 10 questions, second 4 contain 20 questions each. Topics for the homework include: BIDMAS, probability, perimeter, area, angles, 3D shapes, fraction, percentages and more ......
A step by step plan which covers approximately 14 lessons on a mastery theme. Topics covered include :<br />
Number bonds - whole numbers and decimals - with worksheet<br />
Reading and writing very large numbers - support visual included and several tasks to complete<br />
Investigation into number lines with whole and decimals<br />
Practice and starter questions included at regular points (with answers )<br />
Using place value to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000<br />
Investigation using coins and money<br />
Recognising place value in whole numbers and decimals<br />
Comparing the size of decimals <br />
Using bar models to solve problems - including complete set of skills and stretch tasks<br />
Estimation skills and rounding <br />
Measuring, units and perimeter of shapes
Enough activities and lessons for a unit of work on Angles and Turns, including :<br />
Angle Facts - Help Cards - printable cards with reasons to use and memorise<br />
Angle Reasons - Questions for whole class on lines, triangles, quads, opposite - Answers are given and task is to use the correct reasons<br />
Calculating angles - Around a point - Full lesson with AFL activities and worksheets tasks and answers<br />
Calculating missing angles - in a right angle and on a line - Full lesson with AFL activities and worksheets and answers<br />
Compass Angles and Turns - starter, lesson plan, activities and answers<br />
Compass Angles and Turns - worksheets to accompany lesson<br />
Designing a pattern- Rotational symmetry order 4 - uses square paper, tracing paper and colours and turning skills to design a pattern<br />
Measuring angles - introduction to protractor and angle measure and tasks to complete to practice measuring angles + answers<br />
Recognise and Draw - acute, obtuse, reflex - whole lesson to look at types , includes AFL mini-whiteboard tasks for whole class, followed by individual practice and answers.
Maths - Angles Pack<br /><br /><br />
Aimed at level 5 and 6, and GCSE Foundation pupils.<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />
Pack contains lesson activities (with answers) on angle in right angles, on lines, round points, interior and exterior angles and angles in parallel lines. Also a focus on how to label angles.<br /><br /><br />
There are also worksheets with questions, AFL activities for use with mini whiteboards and a cloze wordsearch.
This is a bank of ready made homework sheets for pupils working at level 2 and 3 and yet still accessing the secondary maths curriculum. There are 19 homework sheets which will build on basic skills and retention of key facts and techniques. <br />
There is a teacher guidance sheet as well as answers for each piece. There is also a progress table so that individuals or a classes progress in each topic area can be seen and recorded. This is particularly useful if you are assessing without levels. <br />
List of topics covered on the level 2 to 3 are:<br />
• Addition<br />
• Subtraction<br />
• Times tables<br />
• Division by 2 or 3<br />
• Double<br />
• Half<br />
• Factors & multiples<br />
• Write numbers in figures é words<br />
• Recognise 2D shapes<br />
• Sequences<br />
• Money<br />
• Temperature change<br />
• Perimeter<br />
• Area<br />
• Mode é Range<br />
• Odd and Even<br />
• 3D shapes<br />
• Shade fractions<br />
• Negatives é size order<br />
• Angles in right angle and on a line<br />
• 50% of and 25% of<br />
Practising skills in maths is essential. Using matching activities is a more enjoyable way to do this....either by cutting and matching cards, or by colour matching questions and answers. Several of these activities also have stretch as some parts are blank ...so what was the question?<br />
Topics covered in this bundle are :-<br />
1) Solving one step and two step equations - match the starting equation to each step of the algebra and finally the solution. <br />
2) Direct and inverse proportion - match the worded statement to the proportionality and then to the equation.<br />
3) Expand single brackets - match the question and answer<br />
4) Metres and centimetres - match and convert between whole and part metres. <br />
5) multiply and divide fractions - match question to simplified answer.<br />
6) Percentage multipliers - 3 separate sections linking words to multiplier for % of, % increase and % decrease<br />
7) Rearranging formulae - using only 3 variables and every operation match a = .... to b = .....<br />
8) Shape and angle descriptors - what do the words mean?<br />
9) Simplify expressions - by add, subtract, multiply or divide<br />
10) Substitution - One into an expression, and then two and three into formulae
The focus is on recognising and naming 2D shapes, and in particular triangles and quadrilaterals. <br />
1) Recognising 2D shapes - This is a whole class activity, suitable for mini-whiteboards. 1st part - name the shape. 2nd part - draw the shape. 3rd part - draw shapes inside a square .... challenging and good discussion points<br />
2) Recognise types of triangles and their interior angles - Use corner labels to identify triangles, name as scalene, isosceles, right and equilateral, identify interior angles as acute, obtuse, right or reflex ( whole class activity )<br />
3) Quadrilateral Investigation - Using a grid, find and identify the different types of quadrilaterals, from squares to kites to isosceles trapezium. Full answers shown visually. <br />
4) Quadrilaterals - Set of worksheets, one on each type (square, rectangle, kite, parallelogram, rhombus and trapezium). Shapes to complete. Properties to identify. Symmetry to find. <br />
5) Angle -shape - assessment. Short assessment on shape and angle knowledge. Versions A and B with same content but different values.
<p>Probability activities covering the full range of when they are used. Some are finding probabilities, others require completion of tables or diagrams first. Suitable for KS3 and KS4 pupils either to project on a screen or print out for individual or paired work. Full details of the 14 different activities included are as below.</p>
<p>Probability of an event - picture (1)<br />
Probability of an event - worded (2)</p>
<p>Probability from given listing (3)<br />
Probability from listing to complete (4)</p>
<p>Probability from given sample space (5)<br />
Probability from sample space to complete (6)</p>
<p>Probability from given 2 way table (7)<br />
Probability from 2 way table to complete (8)</p>
<p>Probability from given Venn diagram (9)<br />
Probability from Venn diagram to complete (10)</p>
<p>Probability from given tree diagram with replacement (11)<br />
Probability from given tree diagram without replacement (12)<br />
Probability from tree diagram with replacement to complete (13)<br />
Probability from tree diagram without replacement to complete (14)</p>
Maths - Angles Pack<br /><br /><br />
Aimed at level 5 and 6, and GCSE Foundation pupils.<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />
Pack contains lesson activities (with answers) on angle in right angles, on lines, round points, interior and exterior angles and angles in parallel lines. Also a focus on how to label angles.<br /><br /><br />
There are also worksheets with questions, AFL activities for use with mini whiteboards and a cloze wordsearch.
This pack contains eight sets of loop cards designed for pupils working at level 2 and 3 to help them improve on basic number and shape skills. <br />
Each card contains a question and answer (like a follow on card)<br />
Topics covered are :<br />
• Multiply and divide by ten<br />
• Add single digits<br />
• Divide by 2 and 3<br />
• Number bonds to 20<br />
• 3,4 and 5 times tables<br />
• Double and half<br />
• 50% of an amount<br />
• Name of 2D shapes<br />
The first part of a Mastery Curriculum on Fractions. Split into 4 sections but with enough content for at least 6 lessons, with the addition of extra tasks. <br />
1. Fractions and Division - understanding the link , writing and drawing<br />
2. Shading Fractions - On a grid, and on a blank shape. Discussion arises about equal parts . Whole class activities (ideally with interactive whiteboard) followed by individual practice.<br />
3. Bar Modelling to change between Improper and Mixed. Two parts , one from improper, the other from mixed. Demonstration and discussion of bar modelling examples + practice questions. <br />
4. Using a Calculator with fractions : fractions as a division, changing between improper and mixed, and using a calculator to simplify a fraction.
Based on a Mastery curriculum and pedagogy - including bar modelling and division by primes skills<br />
Includes :<br />
1. Factors of a number, HCF of two numbers by listing, factors of primes, HCF using short division by primes + questions for practice and answers<br />
2. Simplifying fractions using short division by primes + practice exercise and answers<br />
3. Quiz / Assessment + answers covering : fractions as division, parts of a whole, shading, improper, mixed and simplifying skills<br />
4. Equivalent fractions - introduced using bar models then using multipliers + task to make fractions help sheet<br />
5. Writing fractions in size order - discussion of denominator and using bar shading<br />
6. Add & Sub fractions with same denominator - introduced through bar modelling + practice questions and answers + 'intelligent' questions what will stretch and challenge (inc. Algebra)<br />
7. Add & Sub fractions with different denominators - introduced through bar modelling.
L3 maths homework sheets designed to improve retention through practise of basic skills and techniques. There's 21 sheets which build on skills and full answers included. There is also a progress sheet to record individuals or class progress for each topic. This is particularly useful if you are assessing without levels. <br />
The work is designed for pupils accessing the secondary curriculum. <br />
List of topics covered are:<br />
• Addition <br />
• Subtraction <br />
• Times tables <br />
• Division by single digit<br />
• Double<br />
• Half<br />
• Decimals <br />
• Angles and degrees<br />
• numbers in words<br />
• Sequences<br />
• Types of numbers (odd, even, factor, multiple)<br />
• 2D shapes facts<br />
• Money and change<br />
• Worded questions<br />
• Temperatures and negatives<br />
• Perimeter<br />
• Area<br />
• Mode & Range<br />
• Probability <br />
• Combination <br />
• 50% of
BIDMAS and Algebra starter with answers<br />
Expanding a single bracket …. Two ways ! (Why we don’t use bidmas)<br />
Single bracket AFL questions<br />
Reversing the single bracket<br />
Factorising a single bracket AFL questions<br />
Factorising a single bracket questions & answers<br />
Recap Starter on expand and factorise single bracket<br />
Expanding Double brackets <br />
Factorising into a double bracket with x squared coefficient as 1<br />
Factorising into a double bracket with x squared coefficient greater than 1<br />
How to make ZERO when multiplying<br />
Solving an already factorised quadratic that equals zero<br />
Solving a quadratic, by factorising<br />
There is probably enough material here for 8 lessons ... or it can be used in parts as required.
Presenting Data Pack includes the following :<br />
Bar Charts and Pictograms - Drawing and interpreting<br />
Draw Pie Charts - Draw given the angle, Calculate the angle and draw<br />
Percentage Bar Diagrams - Draw and interpret % bars for real contexts<br />
Stem and Leaf Diagrams - order, draw, interpret, median, back to back<br />
Scatter Diagrams - Draw and interpret - Includes team relay activity<br />
Averages and Range from data and charts - calculations<br />
Cumulative frequency and box plots - draw cf, median and quartiles, draw box and interpret<br />
Histograms - Draw , interpret, and calculate the mean<br />
One Set of Data - Revision task using one set of data .... produce pie chart, mean, frequency polygon, cumulative frequency, box plot and histogram.