Music Homework BookletQuick View

Music Homework Booklet

<p>Music Theory Homework Booklet for Key Stages 3 or 4 that has worksheets on Notation, Rhythm Values, Keys on the Piano, Sharps and Flats, Time Signatures and Musical Elements.</p>
Defying Gravity Booklet for Edexcel GCSE MusicQuick View

Defying Gravity Booklet for Edexcel GCSE Music

<p>This is a student booklet I created for the Set Work &quot;Defying Gravity&quot; from the musical Wicked. This is a set work from the new specification (9-1). It has 18 pages and has the title of all lessons in the Unit.</p>
Gap AnalysisQuick View

Gap Analysis

<p>This is a Gap Analysis Excel Spreadsheet that enables you to type in each student’s mark for each question in an assessment/review etc and it will automatically total and grade each student. There is also the capability of automatically producing written feedback to each student and identifies the gaps in their knowledge based on the outcome of their scores.<br /> You can change it very simply to fit whatever you need and is a quick and efficient way of identifying gaps and showing your gap analysis for every class you teach.</p>
Defying Gravity AssessmentQuick View

Defying Gravity Assessment

<p>This is an assessment designed for Year 9 students to assess their understanding of the set work and keywords used throughout the course. Questions allow students to demonstrate critical understanding of keywords and terms within the context of the set work Defying Gravity. There is also an essay-style question at the end.</p>
NCFE V-Cert L1/2 Technical Award in Performance Skills Lesson 1: The Role of an ActorQuick View

NCFE V-Cert L1/2 Technical Award in Performance Skills Lesson 1: The Role of an Actor

<p>Lesson 1: The Role and Skills of an Actor for Unit 1 of the new V-Cert Specification for NCFE V-Cert L1/2 Technical Award in Performance Skills.</p> <p>This lesson explores the Role and Skills of an actor. (Lesson 2 will cover the Responsibilities and Qualities of an Actor.)</p> <p>This has been set out in a TEEP style ppt presentation.</p> <p>Further lessons to be uploaded in the coming days.</p>