This can be used to role play character traits when doing novel studies. I used it as a role play and also as the conventional Taboo activity. Blank cards are left for words you might like to teach.
<p>Civilisations have developed over time and space evolving into modern day societies.</p>
<p>This is a collection of video clips I put together to introduce this unit. I would also begin with a map of the area.</p>
<p>How do we define a civilisation? - I have already added my unit to introduce this.</p>
<p>What were the significant stages in our evolution toward modern day societies?</p>
<p>Was the evolution of society inevitable?</p>
<p>Are our modern societies better?</p>
<p>How do our religious systems, health practices, social organisation (includes leadership) and communications of today compare to civilisations of the past?</p>