11+ Ratio Worksheet with Worked ExamplesQuick View

11+ Ratio Worksheet with Worked Examples

Ratio is a topic with which many 11+ candidates experience difficulty. This worksheet uses modelled examples to make students feel comfotable, then provides three questions for them to try given this new understanding.
11+ Fractions FunQuick View

11+ Fractions Fun

A short worksheet testing all operations with fractions for 11+ candidates. In addition, there is an extension task to push students’ mathematical thinking. Finally, the worksheet includes some word problem style questions.
English 11+ Character Creative WritingQuick View

English 11+ Character Creative Writing

A stimulus for 11+ candidates to write a short story, focusing on characterisation. This may help those struggling with adjectives, personalisation or including vivid imagery in their work. Scaffolding allows for use of a thesaurus, if required.
Ratio Questions for 11+Quick View

Ratio Questions for 11+

A short worksheet designed to help 11+ candidates with ratio. This is pitched towards the NL Consortium tests, but suits a range of abilities.