Complete whole school BookflixQuick View

Complete whole school Bookflix

<p>This is a resource I made to promote reading for pleasure in primary schools.</p> <p>After an overwhelming response to this on my teaching twitter, I’ve been asked to make this available for purchase.</p> <p>This resource is a complete pack with 40+ book suggestions per year group (Reception - year 6). Including, instructions on how to edit if required to.</p> <p>@Miss_C_EHU on Twitter</p>
Bookflix templateQuick View

Bookflix template

<p>Due to a high number of requests I have decided to make this available on my TES.</p> <p>This template includes an example of year 2’s Bookflix and Bookflix trailers and reviews (shout out to @MissAddison23 &amp; @MrCornishTweets on Twitter for the inspiration for trailers/reviews).</p> <p>The instructions as to how you can set up your own can be located in the slide notes areas.</p> <p>The whole school version (Reception-Year 6) is also available on my TES for a small cost.</p> <p>Any queries/questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>Happy Bookflixing!</p>
Possible teaching interview questionsQuick View

Possible teaching interview questions

<p>I’ve gathered possible teaching interview questions that have been used over the years. Also, suggestions for questions you could ask the panel. Hope it helps :)</p>
Calm corner scan & listen QR codesQuick View

Calm corner scan & listen QR codes

<p>I made these scan and listen QR code sets for my classroom calm corner.</p> <p>One set provides access to calming techniques lead by GoNoodle and the other set provides access to sounds/music children may find therapeutic when feeling anxious.</p> <p>The children will just need to scan the QR code using a QR reader app or using their camera. It will open the link directly to the reource.</p>
Reading VIPERS postersQuick View

Reading VIPERS posters

<p>I made these reading VIPERS posters for my guided reading folders. The children’s work for each section will be placed in the specific focus.</p> <p>All materials are from The Literacy Shed Blog.</p>
Inclusive books - Scan & listen bookmarksQuick View

Inclusive books - Scan & listen bookmarks

<p>A series of scan and listen bookmarks with a focus on KS1 books that promote diversity and inclusion.</p> <p>There are 51 bookmarks that all explore different areas such as:</p> <ul> <li>Different types of families</li> <li>Bereavement</li> <li>Emotions and how to control them</li> <li>Race</li> <li>Culture</li> <li>Ethnicity</li> <li>Disability</li> </ul> <p>All you have to do is use a QR scanner app or your phone/tablet camera which should identify the code and open the youtube video of someone (sometimes the author) reading the book.</p> <p>Please tag me in an use of this resource!</p>
ShelfieQuick View


<p>My ‘shelfie’ that includes lesson <strong>ideas</strong> for the following books:</p> <ul> <li>The weight of water</li> <li>A long walk to water</li> <li>Charlottes web</li> <li>Room on the broom</li> <li>Charlie and the chocolate factory</li> <li>I say ooh you say ahh</li> <li>Mixed</li> <li>And Tango makes three</li> <li>Don’t look in this book</li> <li>Meerkat Mail</li> <li>Press here</li> <li>Mix it up</li> <li>Handa’s surprise</li> <li>Tuesday</li> </ul>