Radar Battleship
<p>The original version of battleships is fun and helps develop a pupil’s ability to read grid references.</p>
<p>With my pupils I like to take the idea one step further and replace the standard grid with a radar. This simple change helps with not only with grid reading but also distances and angles.</p>
<p>How to play the game</p>
<p>Print out the sheet for each player</p>
<p>Mark the location of the ship/Base.<br />
a) Ask your students to lay a ruler down at their chosen angle,<br />
b) Ask them to choose a distance at that angle (100 / 200 / 300) and mark the spot with an dot</p>
<p>Take turns to guess each other’s locations.</p>
<p>Mark wrong guesses with an X</p>
<p>To make the game quicker or easier you can state what quadrant your ship/base is in. I could say for example my ship is in the North East.</p>
<p>If you want to add some logical thought to the game you can add the “Ping” variation to the rules. If the pupil guesses one of the options correctly, for example the angle, but not the distance or vice versa you can make a ping sound. This lets the student know they are on the right path. It is then up to them to work out which one is correct by process of elimination.</p>