All the chapter tests for aqa GCSE foundation maths.Quick View

All the chapter tests for aqa GCSE foundation maths.

This is an excellent booklet containing all the chapter tests needed for the new aqa foundation gcse. The questions match the teaching outcomes and are all in order for each chapter. There are 28 chapters giving exam style questions along with the marks available for each question. It took me around 20 hours to complete. Please give me any feedback.
Access to foundation course.Quick View

Access to foundation course.

<p>This twenty chapter course is designed for the lower end of the foundation course to help them access the foundation content. The course has been a massive success this year and it has really engaged the lower foundation students and the results have soared. It is a two year course which leads up to grade 4. There is clear differentiation throughout each chapter along with RAG sheets at the start of each topic, tests for each topic, correction sheets after each tests and Assessment for Learning sheets to be completed after each test. There are also homework packs attached which are linked to the basic skills needed for GCSE. The students have all enjoyed doing this course and they feel more at ease with mathematics. It is a pioneering piece of work which has been described as an excellent contribution to the department and the school. It has taken many hours to design the course and it is ready to be taken and delivered by specialists and also non-specialists.</p>
GCSE Maths foundation revision guide/ workbook unit 2Quick View

GCSE Maths foundation revision guide/ workbook unit 2

This workbook contains all the topics on the Number and Algebra topics of the foundation GCSE. My students really like it. They read through the information on one page and then have a go at the questions on the next. It contains many helpful and colourful diagrams and uses real life examples which the students really like. This can be used both in class and as a homework.
Maths GCSE foundation revision guide/ workbook unit 1Quick View

Maths GCSE foundation revision guide/ workbook unit 1

This workbook contains all the topics on the number and Handling data topics of the foundation GCSE. My students really like it. They read through the information on one page and then have a go at the questions on the next. It contains many helpful and colourful diagrams and uses real life examples which the students really like. This can be used both in class and as a homework.
GCSE Maths revision guide/ workbook unit 3 foundation levelQuick View

GCSE Maths revision guide/ workbook unit 3 foundation level

This workbook contains all the topics on the Algebra and Shape and Space topics of the foundation GCSE. My students really like it. They read through the information on one page and then have a go at the questions on the next. It contains many helpful and colourful diagrams and uses real life examples which the students really like. This can be used both in class and as a homework.
Year 8 Angles Mastery Unit (7 lessons)Quick View

Year 8 Angles Mastery Unit (7 lessons)

<p>A very engaging seven lesson unit covering the angle topics.This includes drawing angles, measuring angles, missing angles in triangles and quadrilaterals, properties of quadrilaterals, and interior angle investigation. Each lesson consists of 3 tiers support, core and extension. Each of the three lessons has a smartboard file, worksheet and a fully detailed lesson plan. The unit is now being taught across other schools.</p>
Share in a ratio mastery worksheet.Quick View

Share in a ratio mastery worksheet.

<p>Following the mastery style approach I have created this worksheet on sharing in a ratio. It also incorporates variation theory whereby all the variations of a question are included. It follows the fluency, reasoning, misconceptions and problem solving. Students should also draw the bar model for guidance.</p>
Full GCSE Algebra Basics Mastery UnitQuick View

Full GCSE Algebra Basics Mastery Unit

<p>This mastery unit consists of 6 full lessons which include a lesson plan, smartboard file and a mastery style worksheet. Each lesson is broken into three differentiated lessons (Support, Core and Extension). The support lessons are aimed grade 1-3, core lessons are 3-5 and extension is the start of the higher gcse grades 4-5. There are real life links and also interleaving starters. Each worksheet consists of fluency, misconceptions, application, problem solving and reasoning. It has had excellent reviews from my trust so far. The lessons are based on simplifying expressions, expanding brackets, factorising, using formulae and re-arranging formulae.</p>
Collecting Like Terms Mastery WorksheetQuick View

Collecting Like Terms Mastery Worksheet

<p>Three differentiated worksheets on collecting like terms all following mastery format of fluency, application, misconceptions and problem solving. Lots of time and effort has been put into these.</p>
Tutor time quizzesQuick View

Tutor time quizzes

<p>General knowledge quizzes consisting of geography, science, maths, popular culture and general trivia. The students have really enjoyed them each week is a different letter and all of the answers begin with that letter. It has taken many hours for me to design them. All of the answers are underneath the shape. They are suitable for all of the year groups year7-11.</p>
Year 8 Decimals Mastery Unit.Quick View

Year 8 Decimals Mastery Unit.

<p>This mastery scheme of work consists on 6 lessons that are each broken up into 3 strands (Support, core and extension). Each of the 18 lessons has a detailed lesson plan, smartboard file and a mastery style worksheet (Fluency, application, problem solving and reasoning). Real life examples are in each one such as the distance between the Earth and the Moon in standard form. It also has interleaving questions from topics such as area, perimeter, volume and converting units.</p>
Angles in polygons investigation worksheetQuick View

Angles in polygons investigation worksheet

<p>A mastery style worksheet where the students have to complete the investigation table and find the sum of the interior angles in regular polygons. Also each interior and exterior angle. There are also some deeper questions to complete.</p>
Celebrity percentagesQuick View

Celebrity percentages

It is taken from 3 celebrities and their earnings. Its a functional task but the deductions of their earnings are just about true. Students have to make the % deductions and find what is left from theirs salaries. The students like it, my ks3 can use a calculator but my ks4 were not allowed