Place Value chart to 10,000,000Quick View

Place Value chart to 10,000,000

This is a support resource for teaching Place Value. It is a printable sheet that can be laminated and given to the children,<br /> The chart goes from ones to tens of millions, no decimals at this stage as this is the start of the year.
Place Value chart to 10,000,000 and to 3.d.pQuick View

Place Value chart to 10,000,000 and to 3.d.p

Place Value chart to support the understanding of numbers to 10,000,000 and 3.d.p<br /> HINT: Cut the end off a plastic wallet and slide the place value chart in; children can write and erase on the plastic wallet and slide the place value chart to investigate what happens when numbers are multiplied or dividing by 10,100 or 1000.
Trial and Improvement Pyramid ProblemQuick View

Trial and Improvement Pyramid Problem

This resource is aimed at Y5 and 6 and is a problem solving activity using trial and improvement.<br /> This is useful for children to explain their reasoning and develop their problem solving skills.<br /> The resource contains a lesson plan, a powerpoint and 2 worksheets (one standard and one ext). <br /> The answers to the worksheets are the final 2 slides on the powerpoint.
Read it first: A mini quiz to encourage children to read information before starting a task.Quick View

Read it first: A mini quiz to encourage children to read information before starting a task.

A short, 20 question quiz, designed to teach children about the importance of reading questions and information before starting the task.<br /> The instructions ask the children to read all questions and statements before starting. There are then a range of questions and statements ranging from how many brothers and sisters to making the noise of their favourite animal. Ultimately the last question asks them to not answer any of the above questions. To be successful the children should have not done anything on the sheet.