A-level Chemistry - Reactions of AlkenesQuick View

A-level Chemistry - Reactions of Alkenes

<p>Contents</p> <ul> <li>Electrophilic addition reactions</li> <li>Hydrogenation of alkenes</li> <li>Bromine water test (includes mechanism)</li> <li>Hydrogen Halide addition (plus mechanism questions)</li> <li>Ethanol manufacture (steam hydration)</li> <li>Exam style questions</li> <li>Answers</li> <li>Homework (presentations on processing plastics and biodegradable polymers)</li> </ul>
A-level Chemistry- Alcohols (higher)Quick View

A-level Chemistry- Alcohols (higher)

<p>Contents:</p> <ul> <li>Naming structures<br /> - Primary/secondary/tertiary alcohols</li> <li>Hydrogen bonding with water</li> <li>Ethanol manufacture / steam hydrogenation</li> <li>Fermentation</li> <li>Alcohol uses</li> <li>Dehydration reactions</li> <li>Esterification</li> <li>Exam questions (13 marks)</li> <li>Homework (presentations -esters in everyday life, ethanol production in the future [research])</li> </ul> <p>*above content includes reaction equations and mechanisms</p>
A-level Biology- Diet & food productionQuick View

A-level Biology- Diet & food production

<p>Contents:</p> <ul> <li>Balanced diet:<br /> - Malnutrition<br /> - Obesity<br /> - CHD<br /> - Regulating blood cholesterol level (HDLs/LDLs)<br /> - Nutrition activity</li> <li>Balanced diet practice questions &amp; Exam questions ( 7 marks)</li> <li>Pesticides&amp; Fertilisers</li> <li>Antibiotics and animals</li> <li>Selective breeding</li> <li>Exam questions (6 marks)</li> <li>Homework ( Presentations - Selective breeding case study, Microorganisms used to make food, preventing microorganisms spoiling food)</li> </ul>
A-level Biology - Enzymes (higher)Quick View

A-level Biology - Enzymes (higher)

<p>Contents:</p> <ul> <li>Experimental design (with examples)</li> <li>Cofactors/co-enzymes</li> <li>Competitive &amp; non-competitive inhibition</li> <li>Metabolic poisons (with examples)</li> <li>Drugs inhibiting enzymes (with examples)</li> <li>Exam style questions (total: 9 marks)</li> <li>Answers</li> <li>Homework (presentations on inhibiting drugs and poisons)</li> </ul>