Analysis for Macbeth Act 3 scene 1 ppt
<p>The video’s available on Youtube, and attached is a ppt which the narration is based around, for you to tweak/edit as much as you like. <br />
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It’s originally for GCSE Edexcel Literature Paper 1 , but you can adjust for what suits. <br />
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The theory is, that with a good knowledge of a few of these key speeches, students will be able to cope well with any question requiring them to write about themes or characters. They’ll also be familiar with some important quotes from the play.</p>
<p>The ppt goes into detail through one of the key speeches in Macbeth, in Act 3 Scene 1: ‘To be thus is nothing…’, including detailed language and structural analysis, and how to apply this in essay writing. It also makes suggestions about about other key speeches in the text to revise and know for the exams (35 slides).</p>