OCR A Level Developments in Christian Thought Scholars' EvaluationQuick View

OCR A Level Developments in Christian Thought Scholars' Evaluation

<p>Powerpoint slides with scholars’ comments for the Year 1 (AS) and Year 2 (A2) developments in Christian thought topics. Specifically for the new 2016 OCR H173/H573 specification. Covers Augustine and human nature, death and the afterlife, knowledge of God, the person Jesus Christ, Christian moral principles and actions, pluralism, gender, secularism and liberation theology.</p>
OCR A Level Ethics Scholars' EvaluationQuick View

OCR A Level Ethics Scholars' Evaluation

<p>Powerpoint slides with scholars’ comments for the Year 1 (AS) and Year 2 (A2) ethics topics. Specifically for the new 2016 OCR H173/H573 specification. Covers Aquinas’ Natural Law, Kant, Utilitarianism, Fletcher’s Situation Ethics, euthanasia, meta-ethics, conscience and sexual ethics.</p>
OCR A Level Philosophy of Religion Scholars' EvaluationQuick View

OCR A Level Philosophy of Religion Scholars' Evaluation

<p>Powerpoint slides with scholars’ comments for the Year 1 (AS) and Year 2 (A2) philosophy topics. Specifically for the new 2016 OCR H173/H573 specification. Covers ancient philosophical influences, mind, body and soul, Cosmological, Teleological and Ontological arguments, religious experience, problem of evil, nature of God and religious language.</p>
OCR Religious Studies Combined EvaluationQuick View

OCR Religious Studies Combined Evaluation

<p>Whilst all my resources are available for free, I thought I’d upload a paid version, so that if people have found the resources useful &amp; would like to make a gesture, they can. I’m not actually a teacher, but a former A Level RS student (not bragging, but I did get full marks in AS philosophy!) &amp; now in my 2nd year at UCL. Any ‘donations’ will be spent just as wisely as any other uni student spends their money.</p>
OCR A Level RS (Ethics) - ConscienceQuick View

OCR A Level RS (Ethics) - Conscience

<p>Religious Studies revision notes for the year 2 topic of Conscience. (Fairly) detailed essay plans based on the ‘learners should have the opportunity to discuss…’ section of the H573 specification. Specifically for the new (2016) OCR Religious Studies A Level.</p>