Power point and resources for teaching uses of glucose in plants. Used for AQA B2 but may be suitable for other boards. Worksheet from my school, fact cards from another user, thank you.
Lesson for the new AQA spec (first exams 2018) on cancer/ risks of cancer. My class had already learnt about cell cycle and mitosis so assumes some prior knowledge. Includes exam question for assessment
Used for AQA B1. Variety of tasks to choose form in the power point including a exam question plenary. Unfortunately the carbon passport task won't upload so I cannot share this.
A revision pack I have produced for topic 1 Edexcel (Lifestyle, health and risk). This includes a variety of short revision tasks and past paper questions (answers can be found at the end of the booklet)
Power point and worksheet used alongside an oscilloscope demo to teach students about sound waves. Worksheet and oscilloscope slides from another user, thank you!
2 lessons on osmosis for the new AQA GCSE specification- exams from 2018. The first lesson looks at the concept of osmosis, and a comparison of this in plant and animal cells. The second lesson is a required practical on osmosis- students weigh cucumber and potato slices before and after being placed in different solutions (I chose to do salt solution, sugar solution and pure water).
A worksheet and accompanying power point for a lesson on food tests. Practical equipment required: filter paper, iodine solution, Benedict's reagent, biuret solution, water bath/kettle, beakers, test tubes spotting tiles, foods to test + ethanol if you wish to demonstrate the emulsion with fats.
Power point with tasks throughout for teaching about the differences between cells, tissues and organs and the digestive system examples they need to know for AQA B2. Used for foundation tier students. Some slides from other users- thank you.
Whole lesson, including worksheets and exam questions to meet the development of drugs aspect of the new specification for AQA Biology or Combined Science (trilogy) GCSE 1-9. Compares modern drug trials with methods used by William Withering. Unit 3- infection and response.
Power point and accompanying worksheets for AQA Biology- used for teaching about fossil formation and extinction. One of the worksheets is from another user, thank you.
Power point and worksheet for teaching yr8 antibiotics. I taught this to mid/low ability but worksheet could be left blank rather than fill in the blanks for higher ability. Some slides from other users, thank you.
Lesson looking at how greenhouses can increase the rate of photosynthesis, taught after limiting factors. Includes exam questions and an active learning task. Students found it very engaging! Used for AQA B2 but may be applicable to other boards.
A lesson on the disease case studies they need to know for the new AQA Biology GCSE (1-9) and for combined science (trilogy). Looks at HIV, TMV, Measles, Gonorrhoea, Salmonella, Malaria and Rose spot. The exam questions used for the plenary are from the CGP workbook for the new GCSE. I used the attached fact sheets in the lesson for students to gain information from, as well as the CGP text book for the new course. A very active lesson with student leadership opportunities.