The Ultimate Pi Day Bundle - 50+ Files!Quick View

The Ultimate Pi Day Bundle - 50+ Files!

<p>My entire collection of Pi Day goodies, covering 20+ years of running Pi Days and Pi Clubs in schools. The biggest collection of Pi Resources on TES!</p> <p><strong>1. Computer Science Folder</strong><br /> Four Python projects using different methods to find digits of Pi by experiment or calculation. Python code included.</p> <p><strong>2. Digits of Pi</strong><br /> More digits of Pi than you could ever need, including a special sheet of Pi to One Place for those who like to keep the memory work simple! Multiple pdf files ideal for printing, and plain text files ideal for analysis. Includes a secret link to download a Pi file so big I can’t even describe it here!</p> <p><strong>3. English and MFL</strong><br /> Find out about “Piphilology”, “Pi-lish” and “Pi-kus” as Language and Pi overlap to create wonderful poetry and prose. Includes ‘Beauty’ - digits of Pi recounted in dozens of languages from around the world.</p> <p><strong>4. Head to Head Challenge</strong><br /> A very tricky competition requiring knowledge of Pi digits, knowledge of the history of Pi, ability to calculate with Pi entirely without a calculator (or just guess and hope for the best!), as well as the essential ability to roll dice at speed. All questions and the interactive Excel score sheet provided for the best Pi Day showdown your school has ever seen!</p> <p><strong>5. History</strong><br /> Copies of two original announcements when the Pi records have been broken and announced to the world</p> <p><strong>6. Maths</strong><br /> Pi Trivia, A Pi Memory Sheet to hand out to students, a list of even more Pi Day ideas, and a Pi Day geometry paradox</p> <p><strong>7. Media</strong><br /> Copies of my TES Article on Pi Day, and a Pi Day special from NCETM</p> <p><strong>8. Pi Club Resources</strong><br /> Sample Material from the “Pi Mnemonicists Club” I used to run at a Prep School in the 1990s. All the resources, Newsletters, Note Paper, Badges, Booklets and Certificates to inspire you to run your own Pi Club</p> <p><strong>9. Pi Docs</strong><br /> More Pi Digit files, including Pi in Binary and Pi in Hexadecimal</p> <p><strong>10. Posters</strong><br /> A 29-page landscape poster to print out and run down the Maths corridor or around the Maths classroom comprising 100 digits of Pi with 5-6 digits per page; a multi-page poster displaying 1 million digits in tiny writing; ideas for other posters to promote Pi</p> <p>The only thing not included is an actual pie. See your local Tesco for details.</p>
Murder Mystery. Game Problem solving KS2-3 (7-14)Quick View

Murder Mystery. Game Problem solving KS2-3 (7-14)

<p>A murder has been committed! There are 32 suspects, and one of them is guilty. Using your powers of deduction, can you crack each of the five coded clues to reveal the identity of the killer?</p> <p>ANSWERS &amp; TIPS INCLUDED<br /> <strong>The Original TES Murder Mystery!</strong></p>
Mathemagic. Games. Investigation. KS3 Ages 11-14Quick View

Mathemagic. Games. Investigation. KS3 Ages 11-14

<p>NEW!! Excel Spreadsheets for the effect Total Disbelief. </p> <p>A collection of mathematical magic tricks for teachers. Particularly suitable for KS3 but also popular with older children. Each trick gives an anecdotal account of the effect being used in the classroom, followed by the explanation and teaching points if used for further work. Appendix includes details of simple sleights such as coin vanishes etc.</p>
MFL Word SuDokuQuick View

MFL Word SuDoku

NEW! Instructions sheet added. <p>Made for a colleague in Modern Foreign Languages Dept. This Excel Worksheet changes a regular 9x9 SuDoku puzzle in a newspaper from numbers to words. You choose the 9 Themed Words and Vocabulary in the target language (e.g. Animals, Colours, Christmas etc.) and the word puzzle is created as you enter the puzzle numbers. Two copies of the puzzle are printed on a single A4 page, with the list of the 9 words down one side. Adaptable to other Languages.</p>
Revision Guide 'The Big 50' - C1, C2, C3, M1, S1Quick View

Revision Guide 'The Big 50' - C1, C2, C3, M1, S1

<p>A checklist of 50 I can do this statements designed to cover the Edexcel syllabus for students revising. Answers not provided - they are for the students to research - but The Big 50 does provide a useful framework. Modules here: C1, C2, C3, M1, S1, as well as GCSE Statistics.</p>
Pi to One Million PlacesQuick View

Pi to One Million Places

NEW: Some users seem to be having difficulty opening this large file. It is a text file. The first line has '3.' The second line begins '14159...' as expected. There is no 3.014159 as some claim :-) <p>A large text file consisting simply of the first million digits of Pi. The digits are arranged in rows of 50 digits per row, beginning with the 1 after the decimal point. You’ll be delighted to know that the millionth decimal place is a 1 as well.</p>
ReverserQuick View


<p>Here’s a quick puzzle to use as a warm-up to any Maths or Numeracy lesson. The aim is simply to order the numbers 1 to 9, but the real skill comes in doing it in the fewest moves! Accessible to Primary and Secondary age students. There are different strategies to discover to achieve Brilliant! or Genius each time. How quickly can you become a Reverser Expert? Tutorial now added to help you enable Macros in Excel if this is new to you.</p>
The Weakest StinkQuick View

The Weakest Stink

A sketch that could be used with KS3 to present issues related to personal hygiene in a humorous way. There are four contestants, and the 'Weakest Stink' (the cleanest) is eliminated at the end of each of three rounds, leaving one repulsively smelly champion. Simple staging could involve a music stand or similar to hold each contestant's script and this could be decorated with the programme's logo (design your own!) at the front. Written for female quizmaster and four male contestants but contestants 2 and 3 could easily be girls Duration about 5-6 minutes.
BMI CalculatorQuick View

BMI Calculator

Simple interface allows you to look up your BMI based upon your body measurements in either metric or imperial units. Also look up your ideal weight.
Useful Exam Calculator Guide - EdexcelQuick View

Useful Exam Calculator Guide - Edexcel

A pictorial guide for invigilators of Mathematics examinations, showing the commonly used calculators, all of which are acceptable for use, and some examples of the more sophisticated machines which are not acceptable.
Christmas Bible WordsearchQuick View

Christmas Bible Wordsearch

<p>Look up the Bible references to solve the clues and then find the answer in the wordsearch. BibleGateway is a good place to look if you don’t have a physical Bible. Digital Bibles are also available for all tablets and smartphones.<br /> Answer key provided.<br /> Created using WordSearch 4 for Mac by Jim Graham.</p>
Quiz Night Game - Class Activity - KS3. Template.Quick View

Quiz Night Game - Class Activity - KS3. Template.

A simple scorer for a Quiz Night or Classroom Team Quiz. Up to 16 teams and 12 rounds. When a team plays their joker they automatically score double points. The winning team is always highlighted. Instructions included and questions based on various KS3 topics. This is an excellent classroom activity that is suitable to be used as a plenary.
BIBLEWORD - A New Logical Bible Puzzle!Quick View

BIBLEWORD - A New Logical Bible Puzzle!

<p>Bible references suddenly become much more fun! A logic-based crossword with 26 words to find, each beginning with a different letter. Each word is found by looking up the Bible reference (either in a paper Bible or online) and finding the word with the correct number of letters. Use elimination to rule out the additional words when a verse contains more than one word with the required number of letters.<br /> The pack contains full instructions, 20 separate puzzles each designed to be printed onto 1 side of A4, two levels of help and of course full answers.<br /> No Bible knowledge is required to solve the puzzles, especially when the references are looked up online using a website such as BibleGateway.<br /> Maddeningly addictive, the puzzles are designed to get people opening their Bibles, to start getting familiar with the order of the books in the Bible, and to have fun exploring the context of some famous and less well-known verses.</p>
Bird SimulationQuick View

Bird Simulation

A probability modelling exercise using two dice. The original pair of birds will lay between 4 and 16 eggs (according to the dice outcome described), and each egg is then submitted to the chances of nature as it struggles to hatch, develop and reach adulthood. How many of your chicks will survive to become breeding adults themselves?
August Holiday WorkQuick View

August Holiday Work

A test for those about to enrol on Year 12 Maths courses to see if they could cope. Contains topics drawn only from Higher Tier GCSE, including manipulation of fractions, index laws, surds and quadratics. Detailed Mark Scheme provided too. Created by our KS5 Co-Ordinator Mr B and highly recommended by the whole department.
Transforming ln(x) and e^xQuick View

Transforming ln(x) and e^x

Select a graph using the radio buttons on the left. Move the sliders a, b, c, d to observe their effect. Can you predict what is going to happen?