Writing an informal letter & SPAGQuick View

Writing an informal letter & SPAG

These 2 lessons focus on Chapters 6-9 of Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho-Yen Each lesson is designed to last 90 minutes The first 30 minutes are devoted to SPAG (both on how to use a colon) The LO for lesson 1 is to strengthen our understanding of an informal letter. Pupils will learn how to identify Tone, Audience and Purpose in 3 short letters By the end of the lesson: All will identify TAP in 3 short lessons Most will be able to explain their choices Some will write an informal letter to Gaia The LO for lesson 2 is to learn how to structure an informal letter Pupils will learn how to structure an informal letter By the end of the lesson: All will find the mistakes in the letter and correct them with a green pen Most will find one thing that Ade has done correctly in the formal letter, and explain why it is correct Some will write Gaia’s response to Ade’s letter. Use a colon in your response The slides are animated Answers provided