<p>6 Lessons based around the topic Crime and Punishment. Planning on the PDF, recap vocabulary at the start of the lessons, 5 retrival questions, main lesson and tasks.</p>
<p>Year 1/ 2 lesson resources include:<br />
Lesson 1: Making predictions from the front cover.<br />
Lesson 2: Make inferences.<br />
Lesson 3: Acting out the scene of Noi’s dad finding the whale, writing a question, command or exclamation on the speech bubble.<br />
Lesson 4: Learning new vocabulary.<br />
Lesson 5: Creating an expanded noun phrase to describe the ocean.<br />
Lesson 6: Pictures to sequence the story, short sentences to help children break down the story and create a short narrative.</p>
<p>A selection a 8 pictures from the story to sequence on a template.<br />
3 differentiated templates to choose from.<br />
3 character descriptions.</p>
<p>After reading the story Beegu, children will discuss how we would describe Beegu and the two pictures. Recapping adjectives and writing simple sentences. The next pages have pictures to sequence the story events, a template and sentences for children to match to the correct picture if they need support with writing a short description</p>
<p>6 Lessons of planning based on the story Alan’s Big, Scary Teeth. 4 Lessons building up to a non-chronological report on alligators and the use of SPAG. 2 Lessons looking at the story in detail, making predictions about what will happen next and making a wanted poster from the point of view of the jungle animals.</p>
<p>Here is my Autumn 2 enhanced provision challenges that were available for the children during their time in Year 1 provision. They are organised into weeks and cover a range of core and foundation subjects from the curriculum. The themes for this term was winter animals, Christmas and coverage of the maths objectives that were being covered in lessons. This is all my own planning and ideas.</p>
<p>This resources is a week plan on the story Sun by Sam Usher. It is follow the KS1 Vipers to help create those curriculum links and children’s comprehension abilities.<br />
The planning is over 4 days and I differentiated for Year 1 and Year 2 children.<br />
The resources are very visual and it makes Whole Class Reading more interesting for this age group.</p>
<p>3 weeks of planning for the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland.<br />
<li>Planning that follows reading vipers.</li>
<li>Questions for discussion and for written response.</li>
<li>Powerpoint with pictures and Learning objectives to use in lessons.</li>
<li>Word gap plan for teir 3 words to use.</li>
<p>6 Whole class reading sessions, detailed planning linking to Reading Vipers and questions. A word gap planning sheet to promote good vocabulary expose. A PDF of pictures to put on the board for children to see and discuss (linking to the lesson).</p>
<p>Information on Polar Bears and Penguins for children to research in KS1. Pictures, diagrams and links to youtube videos for children to independently explore. I used these resources to allow children to gather information before writing a non-fiction report on their chosen animal.<br />
Planning and resources are included.</p>
<p>I have created a morning mindfulness power point in preparation for the return back to school.<br />
It is split into days, including a gentle morning starter, breathing exercise and a class daily mantra in the bubble.</p>
<p>Here are 6-7 weeks of challenges for your Year 1 provision environment. The theme was Fairy/Traditional tales and the challenges are linked to National Curriculum objectives which makes it easier to link your observations. This is all my own planning and has been tried Autumn 1 2020 with good feedback from the children.</p>