The new science KS3 requires discussion of the importance of insects to food security and the reasons for insect decline. The powerpoint covers the main ideas and includes a video link. The 2 sheets are literacy based (scan and skim for information, key words).
About 2 hours of teaching. Powerpoint to illustrate the rights and wrongs of placing straight and curved LOBFs. Worksheets to support tasks. Identifying incorrect aspects of a hand-drawn 'pupil' graph, extracting data from graph and re-drawing correctly. Further tasks to gently guide pupils through graphs for science vs graphs for maths (not joining to origin etc).
<p>Couldn’t find much on MAOA for my class so made this to support. Powerpoint and activities will take an hour.<br />
Powerpoint has a link to a current 6 min video clip.<br />
Hard to know what any possible exam Q would be on as they haven’t written one yet but it’s so cutting edge that it needs secure teaching just in case. Included is a graph to practise conclusions and data manipulations from. Reading starter can be used to elicit ideas on links to other parts of the spec (useful for synoptic paper in Y13)</p>
<p><strong>The whole purpose is to be brave and let them fail if they can’t do it without our constant support!</strong> (easier said than done, I know)<br />
Lesson plan, powerpoint and differentiated cards (help and support) to assess skills in:<br />
• identify variables<br />
• Plan an effective strategy/ write method<br />
• Construct an effective table (for repeats, mean etc)<br />
• Generate effective data<br />
Powerpoint has a slide on how our school tracks- this could be used by you to show progression through skills, otherwise deleted or replaced with your own tracking system<br />
Will take 2 lessons. First for structured planning, second for prac.<br />
Lesson plan discusses use of ‘dabbers’- this is colour coding on books next to each skill so they know if they have achieved it. Green= done independently, Orange= needed help card, Red= bit of a train crash. You can use felt tips.</p>
First few basic slides taken from another contributor. The vast majority was written to prepare Year 9 for the forthcoming maths requirements at KS4. No particular need to understand concepts- just taught as algebra/ puzzles as the focus was on skills not concepts. Took about 2-3 lessons to get through depending on the level of the class.
Investigates the growing evidence that Vaping may be dangerous to health. Introduces lots of AO2/3 ideas such as identifying bias/ how theories are developed/ when a theory becomes a law/identifying data trends/ study design/ validity
An overview of the WS outcomes for the new KS3, divided into 9 'themes' with intended learning for each year group within the theme. Useful for integration into schemes as teachers can reference a WS opportunity by number.