Genre FlashcardsQuick View

Genre Flashcards

<p>Flashcards for different genres including examples of texts (suitable for older children/teens).<br /> Can be used in Literacy lessons, English lessons or as a library resources.</p>
Synonym Roll GameQuick View

Synonym Roll Game

<p>A game which can be used across year groups to encourage developing language skills in writing.<br /> Focusing on words that are commonly used across creative/personal/critical writing.</p>
Reading DaresQuick View

Reading Dares

<p>Reading Dares for Pupils</p> <p>Pupils can pick a reading dare during library time/periods to encourage building a reading culture in schools. Can add different dares.</p> <p>Inspired from the Scottish Book Trust and First Minister’s Reading Challenge</p>
Essay Vocab GuideQuick View

Essay Vocab Guide

<p>Cheat sheet for Exam age pupils with vocab to help develop their writing skills.</p> <p>Can be edited or changed depending on the year group/pupils.</p>