Movember Assembly + Sponsorship Forms + QuizQuick View

Movember Assembly + Sponsorship Forms + Quiz

<p>This is a Movember Assembly that introduces Movember and sets out 3 ways that the school can raise sponsorship for Movember. The assembly can be adapted by anyone to suit the specific school.</p> <p>There is also a Movember Quiz which can be done in form time.</p>
New Start - New ChallengeQuick View

New Start - New Challenge

<p>This assembly can be for anyone in years 7-13 and its about new starts and embracing new challenge. It goes use a gentleman called Stephen Caldwell who is a famous climber who climbed the Dawn Wall and how he embrace challenge to submit the Wall when everyone said it was impossible.</p> <p>The assmebly can be adapted to suit the host particualry towards the end when you give personal short term and long term targets.</p> <p>There is also a target setting handout which can be used by tutors in tutor time.</p>