Y6 Algebra - function machinesQuick View

Y6 Algebra - function machines

<p>Lesson on function manchines as part of an algebra unit for Y6.</p> <p>Includes powerpoint slides that are interactive, as well as two tasks for the class and an extension activity.</p>
Maths Y6 function machinesQuick View

Maths Y6 function machines

<p>Lesson including smart notebook and activities for children.</p> <p>Algebra - function machines. Working forwards and backwards with patterns.</p>
Adventures of Odysseus EnglishQuick View

Adventures of Odysseus English

<p>English planned unit of work on Adventures of Odysseus, suitable for y5/6 English lessons.</p> <p>Writing outcomes include character and setting descriptions as well as writing a Greek myth.</p> <p>Four weeks worth of slides, resources and reading discussion / comprehension activities.<br /> Visual slides and easy to use planning.</p>
Y6 Maths percentagesQuick View

Y6 Maths percentages

<p>Y6 maths lesson on percentages.</p> <p>Contains smart notebook and various tasks as well as suitable GD extensions as well.</p> <p>Visual notebook with tasks on slides too.</p>
Y6 Maths number patternsQuick View

Y6 Maths number patterns

<p>Y6 maths lesson from an algebra unit of work.</p> <p>Number patterns</p> <p>Includes smart notebook and several tasks / ext for the children to complete.</p>
The Explorer diary entryQuick View

The Explorer diary entry

<p>Y5/6 narrative writing unit on the Explorer by Katherine Rundell, producing a diary entry from Fred’s perspective of the plane crash.</p> <p>Great introduction to The Explorer, beginning with offering predictions on the book using inference, to writing characters thoughts and feelings, then a diary entry.</p> <p>Model included.</p> <p>Very visual, pictures etc.</p>
Ancient Greece non-chronological reportQuick View

Ancient Greece non-chronological report

<p>A Y5/6 unit of work for a non-chronological report on Ancient Greece to save you the time.</p> <p>It involves a modeled example, full, visual slides with writing frames and examples, as well as a planning format and a handout with vocabulary to support children with their writing.</p> <p>The unit delivers all necessary grammar / features of a non-chronological report, such as its features, annotating a report, using parenthesis, relative clauses etc.</p> <p>Hope it’s useful :)</p>
Letters from the Lighthouse informal letterQuick View

Letters from the Lighthouse informal letter

<p>A dual lesson on planning and writing an informal letter as Olive from Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll.</p> <p>Lesson includes expected features of an informal letter, modeled writing process for sentence ideas and a child written example, as well as a teacher written WAGOLL to use as a model.</p> <p>Produces some good, short writing and very visual, easy to use lesson resource.</p>
Romeo and Juliet Y5/6 Script writingQuick View

Romeo and Juliet Y5/6 Script writing

<p>This compiles a 2-3 week unit working towards writing a script on an alternative ending from Romeo &amp; Juliet.</p> <p>We read and acted out the play during whole class reading lessons and used this unit to build our understanding of the characters, the plot, features of scripts and then planned and wrote our own.</p> <p>Children loved acting and experimenting with language and expression throughout this unit.</p> <p>Includes writing a diary entry from either Romeo / Juliet with a model and a script on an alternate ending of the play with a model.</p> <p>The lessons are as followed:</p> <p>Lesson 1 - Use dialogue and action to act out a script (using The Lion King script)<br /> Lesson 2 - Using a thesaurus to describe Montagues and Capulets<br /> Lesson 3 - SPAG - Using comparative and contrasting conjunctions and determiners.<br /> Lesson 4 - Romeo &amp; Juliet’s thoughts and feelings<br /> Lesson 5 - Writing a diary entry<br /> Lesson 6 - Using adverbs<br /> Lesson 7 - Writing script introductions<br /> Lesson 8 - Planning a playscript (use model script and storyboard planner<br /> Lesson 9 / 10 writing script on an alternate ending of Romeo and Juliet</p> <p>Included is a writing handout children could use as support. Vocabulary and certain spellings.</p>
A Christmas Carol flashback writingQuick View

A Christmas Carol flashback writing

<p>Y5/6 flashback writing from A Christmas Carol.</p> <p>A weeks worth of lessons working towards writing a descriptive flashback narrative from Scrooge’s perspective.</p> <p>Using the concepts of time and regrets to look back on, fusing in character and setting description for some rich, festive writing.</p> <p>A Christmas Carol version does not matter, so long the children are familiar with the plot at least until the ghost of Christmas past.</p> <ul> <li>Scrooge description</li> <li>Ghost description</li> <li>Setting description</li> <li>Writing with a flashback / timeslip to show cohesion across paragraphs.</li> </ul> <p>Also included is 2 handouts that compile various descriptive words / phrases / sentences.the children can magpie or use for inspiration.</p>
Y6 Maths adding and subtracting decimalsQuick View

Y6 Maths adding and subtracting decimals

<p><strong>FULL</strong> lesson on <strong>adding and subtracting decimals for Y6 Maths.</strong></p> <p>Very fun, engaging lesson using and reading prices of menus.</p> <p><strong>Differentiated SMARTS</strong> - Includes a core / WA SMART and a GD SMART as well as activities and an extension task.</p> <p>Questions based on a ** menu** to make adding and subtracting decimals a bit more relatable and enjoyable.</p>
Adding and subtracting integers (Y6)Quick View

Adding and subtracting integers (Y6)

<p>Full lesson - SMART and tasks on adding and subtracting integers.</p> <p>EXT for HA children.</p> <p>Builds on from fluency up to reasoning / problem solving.</p> <p>Answers included in notebook.</p>
Y6 Maths Divide by 10, 100, 1000Quick View

Y6 Maths Divide by 10, 100, 1000

<p>Visual lesson on dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.</p> <p>Resource includes SMART which builds on from multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 and begins with fluency, building up to solving problems and reasoning.</p> <p>Includes a game that can be printed to make it a bit more interactive if you would like to do that instead.</p> <p>Includes in book tasks from SMART and handout.</p>
Y6 Maths Roman numeralsQuick View

Y6 Maths Roman numerals

<p>Y6 Maths lesson on Roman Numerals, includes SMART and tasks that can either be printed into books are done from the SMART.</p> <p>Makes teaching Roman Numerals a bit more relatable with some video links that may be helpful too.</p>
Y6 long divisionQuick View

Y6 long division

<p>Smart notebook for delivering long division to a Y6 class.</p> <p>Questions to be modeled, then independent then a reasoning question.</p>