NEW AQA A Level Biology: ALL Required Practical sheets/Lab book ready to implement (CPAC focused)Quick View

NEW AQA A Level Biology: ALL Required Practical sheets/Lab book ready to implement (CPAC focused)

<p>These resources are differentiated for the NEW AQA specification (teaching from Sep 2015) and Required Practical (RP) are differentiated according to each CPAC and Indicative Apparatus. The split of CPACs and Indicative Apparatus across the 12 different activities allow students to focus in specific skills and repeat these at least three times across their two years course.</p> <p>This pack includes:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Front cover for students’ lab book: Include a grid showing CPAC focus agaisnt each different RP. Easy for teachers to record and track students’ grade. It gave me headache first time I did it, now it is done :);</p> </li> <li> <p>12 Students’ sheets for each of the 12 RP ready to print (the activities suggested here are the same from the AQA specification). These sheets show the CPACs focus on the front page and method on the following ones;</p> </li> <li> <p>2 Tick sheets Assessment grids (for RP1 and RP6) as an example on how teachers can track students’ performances against each CPAC during practical activity. I use a clipboard during these lessons!</p> </li> </ul> <p>The lab book can be formed by printing all worksheets and adding each one into a different plastic sheet making this into a folder. Each sheet must be signed and dated by students during that specific activity; students’ own notes/writing on these RP sheets should be reinforced as an extra piece of evidence that practical was completed by the candidate. The cover sheet for the students’ lab book not only allow each CPAC (and its frequency) to be easily tracked but it also permits to track practical dates and teacher’s responsabilty in case of split teaching.</p> <p>This system is very transparent, create opportunities for students to master each CPAC, easy for teachers to track students’ skills in a focused way, and it produces evidence for both schools and externals on how the practical endorsement is run and tracked.</p> <p>These resources are ready to print and implement.</p>