VIPERS The TunnelQuick View

VIPERS The Tunnel

<p>A set of questions for a weeks worth of VIPERS lessons based on the story The Tunnel by Anthony Browne.</p>
Supertato EYFS unit of workQuick View

Supertato EYFS unit of work

<p>Literacy unit of work for EYFS Supertato<br /> Resources include:</p> <ul> <li>S plan for unit of work</li> <li>learning journey ladder</li> <li>CVC word activity</li> <li>label a picture</li> <li>what is your superpower</li> </ul>
Superworm EYFS planning and resourcesQuick View

Superworm EYFS planning and resources

<p>‘S plan’ for Superworm EYFS.<br /> Resources included:</p> <ul> <li>Planning for Superworm unit</li> <li>Author page for Julia Donaldson</li> <li>respond to an illustration lesson</li> <li>retrieve information comprehension information</li> <li>learning journey ladder</li> <li>minibeast hunt observation sheet</li> </ul>
Errol's Garden EYFS planningQuick View

Errol's Garden EYFS planning

<p>Literacy unit of work for EYFS for story ‘Errol’s Garden’<br /> Resources include:</p> <ul> <li>S plan for unit of work</li> <li>learning journey ladder</li> <li>Gillian Hibbs author page for working wall</li> <li>respond to illustration lesson</li> <li>label a garden lesson</li> <li>research plants grid - group work</li> </ul>
The Gruffalo EYFS planningQuick View

The Gruffalo EYFS planning

<p>Unit of work for Gruffalo EYFS<br /> Resources include:</p> <ul> <li>S plan for the unit</li> <li>learning journey ladder</li> <li>Julia Donaldson author page</li> <li>Gruffalo picture for flipchart</li> <li>speech bubble lesson</li> <li>shopping list sheet</li> <li>label characters</li> </ul>
Jack and the Beanstalk EYFS planningQuick View

Jack and the Beanstalk EYFS planning

<p>Unit of work for Jack and the Beanstalk - EYFS planning/ early Y1<br /> Resources include:</p> <ul> <li>S plan unit of work</li> <li>learning journey ladder</li> <li>describe a giant lesson</li> <li>author page (traditional tale)</li> <li>planting a bean widgit instructions</li> </ul>
Aaarghh Spider EYFS Planning unitQuick View

Aaarghh Spider EYFS Planning unit

<p>‘S plan’ planning unit for Aaarggh Spider.<br /> Resources include:</p> <ul> <li>Unit plan</li> <li>learning journey ladder</li> <li>prediction lesson and input ppt</li> <li>spider talent pictures</li> <li>spider talent sheet</li> <li>comprehension questions</li> <li>captions and pictures to match activity</li> <li>Lydia Monks author page</li> </ul>
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Planning and Resources EYFSQuick View

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Planning and Resources EYFS

<p>‘S Plan’ for the Very Hungry Caterpillar for EYFS.<br /> Some resources provided:</p> <ul> <li>Eric Carle author page</li> <li>Write a list</li> <li>phonics reading lesson</li> <li>butterfly lifecycle</li> <li>hungry caterpillar retell booklet</li> <li>learning journey ladder</li> </ul>
Room on the broom poetryQuick View

Room on the broom poetry

<p>Lessons used for Room on the Broom potion poetry.<br /> Lesson 1 - rhyme within the book<br /> Lesson 2 - rhyming animals for their potion<br /> Lesson 3 - alliteration of animals for potion<br /> Lesson 4 - LO for writing their own potion with SC</p>
We're Going on a Bear Hunt Year 1Quick View

We're Going on a Bear Hunt Year 1

<p>Different resources used for teaching sequence of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt leading up to writing a recount.</p> <ul> <li>Writing a list for what we would pack for a bear hunt</li> <li>Labeling the different settings from the story</li> <li>Prepositions</li> <li>Verbs - what actions did we do on our bear hunt?</li> <li>Adjectives - describing the places on our bear hunt (need to insert photos from your bear hunt)</li> </ul>
Troll AdjectivesQuick View

Troll Adjectives

<p>First lesson in a sequence of the 3 Billy Goats Gruff. Children used adjectives to describe the troll. 3 Differentiated Sheets. Used for Year 1.</p>