Pippa in London literacy plan for Year 1Quick View

Pippa in London literacy plan for Year 1

<p>This is a three-week sequence for Pippa in London by Yeshim Abdi and Denise Oguz. The children read a story about a young girl who explores London on a big, red bus. As we see some of London’s famous landmarks we suddenly get to see it through Pippa’s eyes which is humorous, and imaginative. The main events for a class story are recorded based on children’s suggestions and used to tell the story orally. The teacher will model using a plan from previous week to write<br /> a story based on the structure of Pippa in London to create a new setting which also has a magical event. Children recreate another setting to the story through focused lessons on expanded noun phrases, past tense and using capital letters for proper nouns. The class plan a story where they create their own main character, not Pippa and that this is their fantasy adventure. This planning sequence would best be begun with a an experience of a journey around London learning landmarks along the way. Children see a link into a fantasy world where each setting is recreated.</p>