<p>Additional unit of work to add to science for KS1 if required. Introduction to space - names of planets, planet fact files, night and day, orbit and rotation and life on the ISS. All resources included.</p>
<p>Unit of work focussing on suspense narratives using the opening chapter of Skellig as a stimulus. Suitable for Y6. Based on The Write Stuff approach.</p>
<p>Year 1 unit of work linked to materials. Additional lessons included throughout the unit with a focus on taking care of the Earth and how this links to th materials we use.</p>
<p>Geography unit of work focussing on map skills including the equator, merridian line, hemispheres, longitude and latitude, scale and relief maps.</p>
<p>Short writing unit suitable for UKS2 using the opening scenes of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as a stimulus. One week unit focussing on setting, characterisation and dialogue.</p>
<p>Writing unit of work suitable for Year 1 based on The Write Stuff approach. All planning and resources included.</p>
<p>Unit 1 - character description<br />
Unit 2 - narrative</p>
<p>English unit in the style of The Write Stuff based on The Giant’s Necklace. Children will write a newspaper report and then use another familiar text (Pig Heart Boy) to write one independently. All planning and resources included.</p>
<p>Art unit of work focussing on murals and tapestries. The children will be introduced to a number of different famous murals and tapestries throughout the unit while working as a class to create an underwater tapestry. The finished piece will combine printing techniques and weaving. Planning not included.</p>
<p>Unit of work focussing on landscapes and seascapes. Unit begins by exploring Turner’s seascapes and recreating one of their own, before looking at art in nature and the work of Andy Goldsworthy. No planning attached, smart notebook alone.</p>