Chocolate Brand and Packaging Design ProjectQuick View

Chocolate Brand and Packaging Design Project

This project is designed to prepare students for GCSE Graphic Products Coursework. Students have to design a chocolate bar brand and packaging and present this to the class. It is approximately 6 weeks of work based on 2 hours a week + 1 hour homework a week. I have used it as a 'getting to know you' project - with students picking chocolate that reflects their personality. The best bit is that their first homework is to test chocolate! The end product is based on using Adobe Illustrator to design the final packaging, however this can be adapted to whatever program you have available, or it can be done by hand.
CAD and CAM PowerpointQuick View

CAD and CAM Powerpoint

Powerpoint about CAD and CAM, suitable to help place practical work within theory. GCSE revision.
I want a toothbrush! Design ActivityQuick View

I want a toothbrush! Design Activity

Short design activity based on a client's needs. Should last approximately 4 lessons, including one lesson to present to the class (depending on class numbers). Students to work in groups on designing a toothbrush. You pose as an awkward client with specific needs. Each pair can ask you five questions about your design needs. An outline of this can be found in the teacher notes. The aim is to get students to consider what they need to know from a client in order to design a product for them. You get to pick the best product at the end.
SustainabilityQuick View


Powerpoint describing the 4rs with an activity at the end to analyse a toothbrush and then design a more sustainable version. Aimed at students studying Edexcel GCSE Graphic Products and follow up activity suggests pages from the textbook.
Blank Revision Resources for GCSE Graphic ProductsQuick View

Blank Revision Resources for GCSE Graphic Products

Blank revision resources for GCSE Graphic Products. Each individual files so that they can be printed off independently. There is also a revision list that will help students organise folder and manage revision. Each revision sheet includes blank spaces for description, pros, cons, uses. Some include exam style questions. Topics covered: paper, metals, polymers, glass, wood, composites, modern and smart materials, components, scale of production, modelling and prototyping, forming techniques, joining techniques, finishing techniques, printing processes, health and safety, CAD CAM
Easter Egg ProjectQuick View

Easter Egg Project

Easter egg project - students to design a single egg box (can be a real egg or a chocolate egg) that should withstand a variety of tests against given specification. Activity is for teams, but could be done in pairs or individually. Should take between 6-8 lessons.