Reading Greek Myths Y5 Jason & The Golden Fleece - Perseus and MedusaQuick View

Reading Greek Myths Y5 Jason & The Golden Fleece - Perseus and Medusa

<p>Reading planning based on Greek Myths</p> <p>This is the version of the text I used - Geraldine McCaughrean’s Orchard Book of Greek Myths</p> <p>Lessons are planned for 5 groups<br /> Planning is based on Golden Fleece &amp; Perseus and Medusa<br /> TLC: Can I recognise how the author uses vocabulary?<br /> TLC: Can I summarise what I have learnt so far in the text?<br /> TLC: Can I discuss how an author builds a character through dialogue?<br /> TLC: Can I answer questions on a text I have been reading?<br /> TLC: Can I explain how I feel about events in a story?<br /> TLC: Can I clarify what I know about a character?<br /> TLC: Can I answer questions on a text I have been reading?<br /> TLC: Can I predict what will happen next?<br /> TLC: Can I use inference to explain how a character thinks or feels?<br /> TLC: Can I summarise new information I have found out?<br /> TLC: Can I answer questions on a text I have been reading?<br /> TLC: Can I make comparrisons between two texts?<br /> TLC: Can I use inference to explain how a character thinks or feels?<br /> TLC: Can I find specific words or phrases to answer questions?<br /> TLC: Can I clarify what I know about a character?<br /> TLC: Can I answer questions on a text I have been reading?<br /> TLC: Can I make comparrisons between two texts?</p>
Reading Brazil Y5 AdvertisementQuick View

Reading Brazil Y5 Advertisement

<p>One week of guided reading based around an advert for a brazillian hotel.</p> <p>Lessons are set up as a carousel with each group doing one task each day.<br /> Planning also includes 5 levels of differentiation 3* (age related) 2<em>A (working towards age related) 2</em>B (working towards age related), 1* (working below age related and PP (SEND / Well below age related)</p> <p>L1 Can I recognise unfamiliar vocabulary?<br /> L2 Can I recognise unfamiliar vocabulary?<br /> L3 Can I identify some features within a non-fiction text?<br /> L4 Can I create my own questions?<br /> L5 Can I find informaiton within a non-fiction text?</p> <p>There are 2 PPTs, one has lessons 1-4, the other ppt has lesson 5 as L1 then L2-L4</p>
Writing Y5 Wanted PostersQuick View

Writing Y5 Wanted Posters

<p>Descriptive writing wanted posters</p> <p>Cold write - Can I write a wanted poster?<br /> Can I recognise the features of a descriptive text?<br /> Can I use apostrophes for posession and contraction?<br /> Can I use fronted adverbials?<br /> Can I link paragraphs to create cohesion?<br /> Can I edit and improve my writing?<br /> Can I present an interesting character description?<br /> Can I plan a wanted poster?<br /> Can I take on a characters role?<br /> Can I create a wanted poster?<br /> Can I edit and improve my writing?<br /> Can I publish my wanted poster?</p>
Writing Y5 Viking Wanted Posters Descriptive Writing (alternative planning)Quick View

Writing Y5 Viking Wanted Posters Descriptive Writing (alternative planning)

<p>Descriptive writing Wanted Posters</p> <p>Y5 planning with alternative LOs for SEND / LA pupils</p> <p>Can I recognise the features of a descriptive text?<br /> Can I use fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses?<br /> Can I use relative clauses in my writing?<br /> Can I use commas for clarity in my writing?<br /> Can I edit and improve my writing?<br /> Can I use antonyms within a parenthesis?<br /> Can I present an interesting character description?<br /> Can I plan a wanted poster?<br /> Can I take on a characters role?<br /> Can I create a wanted poster?<br /> Can I edit and improve my writing?<br /> Can I publish my wanted poster?</p>
Writing Y5 Viking Wanted Posters - Narrative Descriptive WritingQuick View

Writing Y5 Viking Wanted Posters - Narrative Descriptive Writing

<p>Narrative descriptive writing based around Wanted Posters.</p> <p>Lessons include:<br /> Can I recognise the features of a descriptive text?<br /> Can I use apostrophes for possession and omission?<br /> Can I use fronted adverbials?<br /> Can I link paragraphs to create cohesion?<br /> Can I edit and improve my writing?<br /> Can I present an interesting character description?<br /> Can I plan a wanted poster?<br /> Can I take on a characters role?<br /> Can I create a wanted poster?<br /> Can I edit and improve my writing? (there are two versions of this lesson - One was used as an observation lesson)<br /> Can I publish my wanted poster?</p> <p>If needed there are also some additional one off grammar lessons linked to objectives - Using commas for clarity, using apostrophes.</p>
Reading Y5 NewspapersQuick View

Reading Y5 Newspapers

<p>Reading Planning based on newspapers</p> <p>Can I recognise the features of a newspaper article? (Cohesion)<br /> Can I recognise vocabulary features within a newspaper? (Vocabulary)<br /> Can I infer information from a text? (Inference)<br /> Can I recognise facts and opinions? (Comprehension)<br /> Whole Class Inference<br /> Can I use recognise unfamiliar vocabulary in a text (Vocabulary)<br /> Can I summarise an opening paragraphs? (Text Cohesion)<br /> Can I find and write down facts and informaiton from a non-fiction text?<br /> Can I talk about how authors use language including figuraitive language and the impact it has on the reader?<br /> Whole Class Inference<br /> Can I create a glossary to explain new vocabulary?<br /> Can I explain the usefulness of a text?<br /> Can I make predictions based on newspaper headline?</p>
Bundle Reading Writing Art DT Y5 MountainsQuick View

Bundle Reading Writing Art DT Y5 Mountains

7 Resources
<p>X3 sets of planning</p> <p>Explanation text on mountains and volcanoes - writing<br /> Diary linked to mountain<br /> Everest Adventures Reading<br /> King of the Cloud Forests<br /> Art Nicholas Roerich<br /> Flapjacks<br /> The Ice Palace Reading</p>
Reading The Ice Palace Y5 MountainsQuick View

Reading The Ice Palace Y5 Mountains

<p>Planning for reading the book The Ice Palace</p> <p>Can I recognise the features of a description?<br /> Can I explain the meaning of unknown vocabulary?<br /> Can I make predictions using evidence from the text?<br /> Whole Class Inference<br /> Can I explain a characters thoughts and feelings?<br /> Can I explain a characters thoughts and feelings?<br /> Can I retell the story so far?<br /> Can I summarise key events?<br /> Can I read aloud with pace, fluency and expression?<br /> Whole Class Inference<br /> Can I discuss how an author builds characters through dialogue?<br /> Can I justify and elaborate on thoughts, feelings?and opinions using evidence from the text?<br /> Can I explain the meaning of unknown vocabulary?<br /> Can I skim and scam to find key information in a text?<br /> Whole Class Inference</p>
Reading Y5 Viking BoyQuick View

Reading Y5 Viking Boy

<p>Reading planning for Y5 based on Viking Boy</p> <p>There are alternative tasks linked to easier texts including How to Train Your Dragon / How to Be a Viking</p> <p>Independant tasks are to complete the questions<br /> Paired task is to complete Task board<br /> Adults working wiht groups would startw ith questions on the task board but then further question guided by group engagement</p>
Reading British Empire Y5 Coming to England by Floella BenjaminQuick View

Reading British Empire Y5 Coming to England by Floella Benjamin

<p>6 weeks of reading planning based on Floella Benjamin’s booked Coming to England.<br /> Lessons are planned with 5 groups in mind. Groups 1-4 are usually working towards age related expectations at varying levels, group 5 has personalised planning based on a simpler version of the same text and are working below Age related / SEND / EAL.</p> <p>Each week has 4 lessons</p> <p>With the TA and Teacher groups, you are focusing more on individual questioning, guided by the task board. The paired group are completing the task board as apair. The independant group have their own questions to do which can be the same as the TASC board. The additional task board is the differentiated one for EAL / SEND / LA pupils.</p> <p>When this was originally planned, my EAL / SEN / LA group were also doing phonics alongside hence why they dont have tasks every lesson.</p>
Reading Y5 Journey to the River Sea Planning BrazilQuick View

Reading Y5 Journey to the River Sea Planning Brazil

<p>Planning for 5 groups.<br /> TA / Teacher tasks are usually based on the independant questions but are then more adult led with time to discuss other areas.<br /> Paired work is TASC boards<br /> Independant work are the questions</p> <p>4 weeks of planning</p>
Katie The Witch - SEND / EAL Short StoryQuick View

Katie The Witch - SEND / EAL Short Story

<p>THis is a shory story I wrote for writing spooky stories with EAL / SEND pupils. Resources include:</p> <p>Complete version of the story<br /> Version of the story where children draw the pictures<br /> Fill in the blanks<br /> All pictures no text<br /> Questions on the story.</p>