I Want It! KS2 - Lesson 2: Exploring Needs & WantsQuick View

I Want It! KS2 - Lesson 2: Exploring Needs & Wants

Using a range of needs and wants, including basic human needs, children are encouraged to consider some of the priorities that adults may need to set when operating with limited funds and how this might affect them and their family.
Financial Capability -Personal Financial EducationQuick View

Financial Capability -Personal Financial Education

As part of the development of the new National Curriculum for implementation in September 2000, the DfEE published a framework for Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship which repeated the Government’s wish to include financial capability as a topic at all key stages. In early 2000 Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) published further guidance for the delivery of PSHE and Citizenship. An important aspect of this is the teaching of personal finance to develop financial capability for all pupils.
I Want It! KS1 - Lesson 2: Exploring Needs & WantsQuick View

I Want It! KS1 - Lesson 2: Exploring Needs & Wants

Using a range of needs and wants, including basic human needs, children are encouraged to consider some of the priorities that adults may need to set when operating with limited funds and how this might affect them and their family.
I Want It! KS1/2 - Story BookQuick View

I Want It! KS1/2 - Story Book

Tara loves to go to the shops with her mum. The problem is that everything she sees, she wants. Now Tara is getting older, mum has a surprise for her. A surprise that means Tara will be able to look forward to buying the things she wants with her own money. But what will she choose?
Costing the Earth - Story BookQuick View

Costing the Earth - Story Book

This story centres on the Clayton household where Roger, Debbie Clayton’s nephew, is wasting energy wthout a thought for who pays. Children will explore how energy is used in the home and discover simple strategies to conserve energy. Children will plan individual actions to reduce energy waste around the home and the school environment and work collectively to create an energy-saving action plan for the class or whole school.
Charity Job Week KS2 - Lesson 2: We are a teamQuick View

Charity Job Week KS2 - Lesson 2: We are a team

Part 1 - Children will explore their personal skills and qualities that will contribute to their value as part of a business team Children will practice communication, reflection, speaking and listening skills in the context of applying for jobs. Part 2 - Using the Entrepreneur Challenge online interactive calculator, children explore how they might set prices and begin to consider how to plan to raise the maximum money they are able, setting realistic goals for fundraising and reflect these in a pricing and planning structure
Do The Right Thing - Lesson 1: Lily's DilemmasQuick View

Do The Right Thing - Lesson 1: Lily's Dilemmas

Using the interactive story, children explore the choices that Lily makes and the consequences of various options she may choose in relation to taking a valuable ring from her mother's jewellery box for the charity auction at school. Pupils explore through discussion and role play.
Factsheet: Top Tips for FundraisingQuick View

Factsheet: Top Tips for Fundraising

It’s great to get involved in fund raising, and you can have a lot of fun helping others. Fund raising helps to build the sort of communities we all want.
A Fair Day's Pay KS2 - Lesson 3: How can I Help?Quick View

A Fair Day's Pay KS2 - Lesson 3: How can I Help?

Children will explore personal resonsibility within a community and how to use it’s resources. They explore what difference they could make to save money in and for their community more pro-actively, including giving their time and cultivating pro-community habits.