Eduqas/WJEC L1/2 Engineering Active Personal Learning Checklist for Unit 3 RevisionQuick View

Eduqas/WJEC L1/2 Engineering Active Personal Learning Checklist for Unit 3 Revision

<p>This booklet is designed for use by students as a revision resources. It improves revision by students having to use their prior learning to complete a range of tasks, and assess their progress in specific areas of the specification by completing exam style questions. Each task links to the specification requirements for Unit 3 - written exam.</p> <p>Pages and tasks can be set as homeworks or in class activities. The booklet covers all elements of the specification and students are able to see how revision resources can be created by looking at the examples provided for each task. Students are also able to self assess their progress in specific areas by using the provided mark schemes for the exam style questions.</p> <p>I use this resources in the following way:<br /> Topic delivered in class: APLC page set as homework.<br /> Homework time varies depending on the size of the task.<br /> Students bring in their revision notes and attempted exam question.</p> <p>In class we go through the question and I record how each student has performed on a central spreadsheet.</p> <p>This information can then be used to target interventions to individuals, groups or if necessary whole class.</p>