Place Value Matching
<p>Place Value Matching Cards - some suggestions on how to use;<br />
Order the numbers from largest to smallest (using the number cards only)<br />
Order the numbers from largest to smallest (using a mix of cards)<br />
Find the corresponding cards (which show the numbers in different ways)<br />
Take out the number cards – children have to write the number using one of the other forms.</p>
<p>The cards are divided into different sets – so this resource is suitable from 2nd – 6th class.</p>
<p>Tens and Units<br />
Hundreds, Tens and Units<br />
Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Units<br />
Ten Thousands, Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Units<br />
Hundred Thousands, Ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and units</p>
<p>More information; <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>