2.2G Salir a comerQuick View

2.2G Salir a comer

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> **Lesson based on 2.2G Oxford - Kerboodle Spanish but adapted. **<br /> Objective: To revise food and types of cuisine.<br /> Starter: Vocab test based on previous units<br /> Language presentation: Revision of KS3 food.<br /> Reading task- Mealtimes<br /> Speaking<br /> Listening x2<br /> Reading task</p> <p>This resource is designed to be used alongside the book.</p>
2.1G La vida sana (Spanish- New specification- Kerboodle)Quick View

2.1G La vida sana (Spanish- New specification- Kerboodle)

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> **Lesson based on 2.1G Oxford - Kerboodle Spanish but adapted. **<br /> Objective: To say what you do to have a healthy life style.<br /> This lesson contains:<br /> Starter focusing on question words.<br /> Introduction of vocabulary<br /> Slide/Worksheet to practice vocabulary, grammar and translations.<br /> Listening<br /> Reading- More challenging than the book ones.<br /> Writing sentences/speaking prep (sentences focusing on extended responses)<br /> Sentence builder attached+ link to <a href="http://sentencebuilders.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">sentencebuilders.com</a></p>
2.1F ¿Estás en forma?Quick View

2.1F ¿Estás en forma?

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> **Lesson based on 2.1F Oxford - Kerboodle Spanish but adapted. **<br /> Objective: To talk about what you do to be in shape<br /> Starter focusing on DE/A + la, el, los, las<br /> Presentation of language using previous and knew language.<br /> Sentence builder<br /> A pen and a dice<br /> Grammar: stem changing verbs + practice<br /> Listening<br /> Reading<br /> Planning and reflection</p> <p>This resource is designed to be used alongside the book.</p>
2.1H Cuidar de tu saludQuick View

2.1H Cuidar de tu salud

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> **Lesson based on 2.1H Oxford - Kerboodle Spanish but adapted. **<br /> Objective: To say what you do to look after your health<br /> Starter: Photo description<br /> Language presentation: Expressions with “tener” + practice activities.<br /> Reading<br /> Listening- scaffolded<br /> Writing prompts<br /> Sentence builder and link to <a href="http://sentencebuilders.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">sentencebuilders.com</a></p> <p>This resource is designed to be used alongside the book.</p>
¿Cuando es tu cumpleaños?Quick View

¿Cuando es tu cumpleaños?

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> <strong>Objective: To say your age and birthday</strong><br /> Starter: phonics<br /> Language presentation: Numbers<br /> Links to wordwall<br /> Miniwhiteboard activities.<br /> Listening clips<br /> Sentence builders<br /> Reading tasks<br /> Speaking tasks</p> <p>Ideal for Year 7</p>
1.1 G ¿Cómo es?  (Spanish- New specification- Kerboodle)Quick View

1.1 G ¿Cómo es? (Spanish- New specification- Kerboodle)

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> **Lesson based on 1.1G Oxford - Kerboodle Spanish but adapted. **<br /> Objective: To describe people.<br /> This lesson contains:<br /> Two simple lessons in one<br /> Starter: Photo description<br /> Introduction vocabulary<br /> Guess who - La casa de papel<br /> Grammar full the gaps based on verbs Tener, Ser, Llevar<br /> __<br /> Starterr: bubble translation<br /> Sentence builder+Celebrities (consolidation of vocabulary)<br /> Translation<br /> Speaking survey<br /> Long text- focusing on celebrities and descriptions<br /> Writing task.</p> <p>Some screenshots have been deleted to avoid copyright.</p>
1.1H Personalidad y aspecto físico (Spanish- New specification- Kerboodle)Quick View

1.1H Personalidad y aspecto físico (Spanish- New specification- Kerboodle)

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> **Lesson based on 1.1H Oxford - Kerboodle Spanish but adapted. **<br /> Objective: To consolidate personality and physical appearance<br /> Starter: Vocabulary test and answers<br /> Slide/worksheet to focus on grammar and translation<br /> Paired dictation.<br /> Writing task.</p> <p>This resource is designed to be used alongside the book.</p> <p>Some screenshots have been deleted to avoid copyright.</p>
1.2H La familia modernaQuick View

1.2H La familia moderna

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> **Lesson based on 1.2G Oxford - Kerboodle Spanish but adapted. **<br /> Objective: To describe different types of family.<br /> Starter: Retrieval grid<br /> Introduction of relationships/marriage/partnership<br /> Climbing translation<br /> Worsheet to focus on grammar and translation<br /> Reading task focusing on types of families<br /> Speaking- Photocard question preparation.<br /> Extra resources: translation, writing, quiz.</p> <p>This resource is designed to be used alongside the book.</p> <p>Some screenshots have been deleted to avoid copyright.</p>
¿Cuál es tu nacionalidad?Quick View

¿Cuál es tu nacionalidad?

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> Objective: To say where your live and what is your nationality<br /> Starter: odd one out<br /> Language presentation: countries and nationalities (focus on Spanish speaking countries)<br /> Speaking survey<br /> Listening clip (celebrities)<br /> Narrow reading<br /> Writing task</p> <p>Ideal for Year 7</p>
Mi familia, mis amigos y yoQuick View

Mi familia, mis amigos y yo

<p>By Insta@peralimonera</p> <p>This is a vocabulary booklet based on a Year 7 unit of work covering:<br /> 1: Greetings<br /> 2:Birthday and age<br /> 3: Nationalities<br /> 4:Pets<br /> 5: Personality<br /> 6: Physical descriptions<br /> 7: Family</p> <p>The booklet can be used as homework or cover. KO attached too.</p>
¿Tienes mascotas?Quick View

¿Tienes mascotas?

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> Objective: To describe pets<br /> Starter: Photo description<br /> Language presentation: Animals<br /> Links to wordwall<br /> Miniwhiteboard activities.<br /> Vocabulary worksheet<br /> Listening clips<br /> Sentence builders<br /> Narrow reading<br /> Fill the gaps<br /> Speaking activity<br /> Writing task</p> <p>Ideal for Year 7</p>
¿Cómo es tu personalidad?Quick View

¿Cómo es tu personalidad?

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> Objective: To describe your personality<br /> Starter: retrieval grid<br /> Language presentation with funny giffs<br /> Links to wordwall<br /> Miniwhiteboard activities.<br /> Listening clips<br /> Sentence builders<br /> Reading tasks<br /> Worksheet focusing on grammar</p> <p>Ideal for Year 7</p>
¿cómo eres fisicamente?Quick View

¿cómo eres fisicamente?

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> Objective: To say yhow you look like<br /> Starter: focus on personality<br /> Language presentation: Hair and eyes<br /> Photos to prompt descriptions on miniwhiteboards.<br /> Links to wordwall<br /> Listening clips<br /> Sentence builders<br /> Reading tasks</p> <p>Ideal for year 7</p>
1.2G Las relaciones familiares (Spanish- New specification- Kerboodle)Quick View

1.2G Las relaciones familiares (Spanish- New specification- Kerboodle)

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> **Lesson based on 1.2G Oxford - Kerboodle Spanish but adapted. **<br /> Objective: To describe relationships with family members<br /> Starter: Vocabulary about family + photo description<br /> Introduction of relationships<br /> Climbing translation<br /> Whiteboards activity: Fill the gap<br /> Translation<br /> Narrow reading</p> <p>This resource is designed to be used alongside the book.</p> <p>Some screenshots have been deleted to avoid copyright.</p>
1.2F Los amigos (Spanish- New specification- Kerboodle)Quick View

1.2F Los amigos (Spanish- New specification- Kerboodle)

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> **Lesson based on 1.2G Oxford - Kerboodle Spanish but adapted. **<br /> Objective: To describe the qualities of a good friend<br /> Presentation of language<br /> Use of possessives.<br /> Trapdoor</p> <p>This resource is designed to be used alongside the book.</p> <p>Some screenshots have been deleted to avoid copyright.</p>
1.2F Que tipo de persona eres  (Spanish- New specification- Kerboodle)Quick View

1.2F Que tipo de persona eres (Spanish- New specification- Kerboodle)

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> **Lesson based on 1.1F Oxford - Kerboodle Spanish but adapted. **<br /> Objective: To describe personality.<br /> Starter: focusing on physical descriptions+celebrity<br /> Presentation of new language<br /> Fill the gap: focus on gender and number agreement<br /> Trapdoor</p> <p>This resource is designed to be used alongside the book.</p> <p>Some screenshots have been deleted to avoid copyright.</p>
San Fermin- Spanish lesson KS3Quick View

San Fermin- Spanish lesson KS3

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> Objective: Discover and describe San Fermín.<br /> Core skills: Speaking, listening, reading.<br /> The PPT includes: Strarter, introductory video, presentation of vocabulary, sentence builder, translation, faulty echo, listening, trap door, plenary.</p> <p><strong>LEAVE A REVIEW</strong></p>
La Tomatina- lesson KS3Quick View

La Tomatina- lesson KS3

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> Objective: Discover and describe an experience in La Tomatina<br /> Core skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.<br /> The PPT includes: Strarter, introductory video, read aloud task+presentation of key words, sentence builder, fill the gaps, faulty echo, trap door, reading, writing…</p>
Viva Foundation GCSE- ¿Como son tus profes?Quick View

Viva Foundation GCSE- ¿Como son tus profes?

<p>By Insta@peralimonera<br /> **All lessons are based on Viva SOL but adapted. **<br /> Objective: To give opinions about school teachers. Use comparatives.<br /> Core skills: listening, translation, reading.<br /> Sentence builder attached.</p>