Edexcel Geography B Paper 1-3 Case StudiesQuick View

Edexcel Geography B Paper 1-3 Case Studies

<p>Revision resource including case study specific facts for students to revise and use in 8 mark questions. These revision cards are for paper 1 including hazards, development and urbanisation, paper 2 coasts, rivers and London, Paper 3 Biomes, Rainforest &amp; Taiga as well as energy. We have printed these and laminated as mini flip charts for in lesson use. They do not include any content revision, but include facts and figures that are often missing from revision notes/ guides.</p>
Rainforest Homework ProjectQuick View

Rainforest Homework Project

Rainforest Project homework sheet- students complete different tasks for points, we award certificates for students who reach bronze, silver or gold point levels. We set point hand-in deadlines across the term.
Edexcel Geography B Revision Lesson Paper 1Quick View

Edexcel Geography B Revision Lesson Paper 1

<p>A whole hour revision lesson planned for paper 1, this will be just before the exam so avoids writing! Involves games and activities. I have attached the teacher overview which I provide to my team to deliver the lesson, not all of them are subject specialist. All the resources are either on the end of the powerpoint or included in seperate word documents, the overview sheet may give you a clearer idea of what goes where!</p>
Edexcel Geography B Blank Cue CardsQuick View

Edexcel Geography B Blank Cue Cards

<p>I have created this set of cue cards for students to complete for their GCSE revision for all 3 papers, the focus is just on the case studies within each topic and the information it asks for is based upon the requirements of the Edexcel B specification.</p>
Edexcel DTT SheetQuick View

Edexcel DTT Sheet

<p>A resource that has been used successfully with KS4 students to identify weak exam skills rather than gaps in content. We use it for ‘closing the gap’ style activities as part of the assessment feedback process. It increases the students ownership with target setting and has had a positive impact on the focus of students to achieve skills rather than content.</p>