<p>A fact file about famous London landmarks, that the children can use to alongside reading The Queens Hat / The Queens Handbag.</p>
<p>They drew a famous landmark and then wrote a sentence / fact about why they choose the landmark.</p>
<p>2 Word mats:<br />
Jack and the BeanStalk<br />
Little Red Riding Hood.</p>
<p>Words on the outside are story starters<br />
Words in the inner shell are sentence starters and time connectives<br />
Words in the middle are adjectives</p>
<p>Writing mats to support Year 1 children in their rewriting of traditional tales.<br />
Jack and the Beanstalk<br />
Little Red Riding Hood.</p>
<p>On the outsider there are fairytale sentence starters<br />
Middle box - sentence starters<br />
Center box - adjectives</p>
<p>Looking at the weather in the UAE and comparing it to the weather in the UK, hitting the science objectives of different seasons and weather patterns.<br />
Children to draw the weather that usually occurs in that season.</p>
<p>Representing Numbers to 20 - booklet for the children to fill in to represent numbers to 20, using part-part whole, name and double tens frame.</p>
<p>We printed a page per number and turned it into a mini book which the children worked through.</p>