History of the periodic tableQuick View

History of the periodic table

A lesson on the history of the periodic table including recall questions from previous lesson.<br /> <br /> The timeline of the history of the periodic table can be done through the use of ipads or the card sort task attached. The video clip I used to explain Mendeleev's periodic table was the Ted Ed video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPnwBITSmgU <br /> <br /> The plenary task was created after an observation of a maths lesson with the idea of assessing learning of the periodic table through a colour by numbers task (as prior to this lesson they learnt about the modern periodic table, including groups and periods). The finished image will be a dragon.
Seed dispersal methodsQuick View

Seed dispersal methods

A lesson on seed dispersal, which includes an around the room 'loop' task on the methods of seed dispersal, a comparison task on animal dispersion and a literacy task to check understanding.<br /> <br /> You will need to print the sheets at the end of the powerpoint.<br /> <br /> Feedback appreciated.
Stopping Distance and Reaction timeQuick View

Stopping Distance and Reaction time

<p>This powerpoint lesson can be used for KS3 or GCSE and has a number of tasks that can be differentiated.</p> <p>I’ve included the ruler task, GCSE exam questions and thinking questions throughout</p>
Calculating speed KS3Quick View

Calculating speed KS3

A powerpoint lesson on teaching speed at KS3 (can also be used for low ability KS4). Includes recall and rearranging the equation with simple example questions.<br /> <br /> The speed card questions powerpoint can be printed as 4 slides per page and then cut and given to a group of students as desired. The speed card questions consists of simpler calculations and more challenging calculation sets (easy = pokemon and disney, challenging = dinosaurs and cars).<br /> <br /> There is also a tarsia that can be used as a plenary to assess knowledge and a fun question regarding who's faster - usain bolt or a cheetah to get the students engaged. Feedback appreciated.
GCSE Science PAG diceQuick View

GCSE Science PAG dice

A GCSE science revision PAG dice. This dice allows students to revise and understand all aspects of the PAGS for the new GCSE combined science OCR gateway 9-1.
PokemonGo GCSE biology revisionQuick View

PokemonGo GCSE biology revision

I created this fun revision lesson for my year 9 and 10 classes on the first biology topic for the new OCR combined science (gateway) spec (but the QR code questions can be modified for any topic/specification).<br /> <br /> The powerpoint lesson plan has a starter, title and LOs and an introduction (I've embedded the pokemon theme music but you can also have this playing in the background through youtube).<br /> <br /> Briefly students are introduced to their task: To revise the topics studied in this chapter by answering the grade/levelled questions.<br /> <br /> This is done through the theme of pokemongo. Students will need to use an ipad/QR code reader app to go around the room and scan the codes for specific pokemon - to catch the pokemon they need to answer the question (slides 6-24 will need to be printed and placed around the room). Once answered they can tick that pokemon off on their pokedex sheet.<br /> <br /> As a plenary to assess progress students can peer-review each others work or the teacher can mark their work using the pokedex checklist.<br /> <br /> Feedback appreciated
PokemonGo KS3 chemistry revisionQuick View

PokemonGo KS3 chemistry revision

I created this fun revision lesson for my year 7 and 8 classes on chemical reactions and the periodic table<br /> <br /> The powerpoint lesson plan has a starter, title and LOs and an introduction (I've embedded the pokemon theme music but you can also have this playing in the background through youtube).<br /> <br /> Briefly students are introduced to their task: To revise the topics studied in this chapter by answering the grade/levelled questions.<br /> <br /> This is done through the theme of pokemongo. Students will need to use an ipad/QR code reader app to go around the room and scan the codes for specific pokemon - to catch the pokemon they need to answer the question (slides 7-25 will need to be printed and placed around the room). Once answered they can tick that pokemon off on their pokedex sheet.<br /> <br /> As a plenary to assess progress students can peer-review each others work or the teacher can mark their work using the pokedex checklist.<br /> <br /> Feedback appreciated
Selective breeding lessonQuick View

Selective breeding lesson

<p>Designed for low ability students. Includes several tasks, including a selective dog breeding exercise, and plenary exam question.</p>
Investigating climate change - visiting the past to predict the future!Quick View

Investigating climate change - visiting the past to predict the future!

A powerpoint lesson plan investigating climate change, which allows students to look into the past (visiting the Jurassic, cretaceous and ice age) in order to analyse the earth's climate so that students can make predictions for earth's future climate. You can play John Williams - Jurassic Park music to fully get students engaged in their mission!<br /> <br /> Encompasses numeracy and literacy strategies to build on knowledge of climate change.<br /> <br /> Also includes RSC Learn chemistry extension/ homework resource for more able students<br /> <br /> This is my first resource and comments would be grateful :)
DNA discovery debate lessonQuick View

DNA discovery debate lesson

<p>A lesson debating the DNA discovery and questioning discoveries in science. Major literacy focus as it involves reading information and constructing a debate using convincing language.</p> <p>This can easily last for a whole lesson, you can pick half the class to debate Watson as being the true discoverer of DNA, with the other Franklin.</p>