New GCSE 9-1 grade boundaries AQAQuick View

New GCSE 9-1 grade boundaries AQA

Provisional grade boundaries for Lang Paper 1 and notional grade levels for all Language/Literature units<br /> <br /> Raw mark - grade<br /> Raw mark to fine grade<br /> <br /> *fully customisable*
New GCSE: detailed set of Conflict poetry example responsesQuick View

New GCSE: detailed set of Conflict poetry example responses

Conflict poetry essay exemplars (levels 6-8) x20<br /> <br /> detailed comparative exemplars to be used with the new AQA Power and Conflict anthology<br /> <br /> responses taken from old conflict poems (some crossover) - the skills are identical to the new GCSE<br /> <br /> some full responses and example paragraphs (higher and lower ability)
New GCSE (AQA) 2015+ FULL Long term plan and unit overview (whole KS4)Quick View

New GCSE (AQA) 2015+ FULL Long term plan and unit overview (whole KS4)

New GCSE Language and Literature long term plan and overview<br /> <br /> *fully customisable*<br /> <br /> includes all set texts for new GCSE (An Inspector Calls, Jekyll + Hyde, A Christmas Carol, Macbeth, Power &amp; Conflict poetry) <br /> comprehensive overview of teaching journey across KS4<br /> assessment overview and tracking of data<br /> show learning progression with Assessment objective journey (taught and assessed)<br /> revision units built in
New GCSE AQA 19th C Novel - Jekyll & Hyde FULL scheme of work (63 lessons!) AND Descriptive WritingQuick View

New GCSE AQA 19th C Novel - Jekyll & Hyde FULL scheme of work (63 lessons!) AND Descriptive Writing

New AQA Literature SOW for Jekyll &amp; Hyde (Lit Paper 1 Section B)<br /> <br /> full and detailed SOW - perfect for NQTs and experienced teachers<br /> fully resourced<br /> fully customisable to the needs of your department<br /> all assessments built in to target Language and Literature crossover skills (co-teach with confidence)<br /> <br /> Bonus: embedded SOW on how to teach descriptive writing (Lang Paper 1 Q5) included (co-taught as a backdrop to J+H)
GCSE 2015+ Macbeth (Lit.) full Scheme of Work and all resources - 56 lessons! Play+skills+revisionQuick View

GCSE 2015+ Macbeth (Lit.) full Scheme of Work and all resources - 56 lessons! Play+skills+revision

Fully planned, written and resourced SOW for the new AQA GCSE Lit. unit for Macbeth. Literature Paper 1A. <br /> <br /> 56 lessons with explicit lesson plans; all resources; all necessary PPTs; revision materials and images etc. <br /> <br /> SOW has a short term plan and a long term overview. Explicitly teaches towards all AOs and is skills focused to deliver excellent outcomes for all students. <br /> <br /> Fully customisable. Students will learn, engage with and discuss the play, then learn how to write analytical essays thoroughly, followed by extensive revision preparation for their exams.
(New GCSE) Top Tips! A*/level 9 'how to' succeed guides: poetry analysisQuick View

(New GCSE) Top Tips! A*/level 9 'how to' succeed guides: poetry analysis

A popular activity designed to get students building their individual word and sentence level analysis<br /> <br /> 1. individually fill in the boxes and then feedback in groups<br /> 2. repeat activity for mag glass 2<br /> 3. show whole source (e.g. a poem, a key scene, a paragraph) and deconstruct it