A SOW that I have created focusing on skills development. A lot of ideas and resources have been taken from other users of TES in the production of these lessons.
Based around the question 'What is geography?', this display looks at geography from different viewpoints: politics, maths, history, writing, science etc to show why geography is important today!
Based around the question 'What is Philosophy and Ethics?', this display looks at RE/ Philosophy & Ethics from different viewpoints: politics, maths, history, writing, science etc to show why RE/ Philosophy & Ethics is important today!
Based around the question 'What is history?', this display looks at history from different viewpoints: politics, maths, art, writing, science, film etc to show why history is important today!
Made for AQA B, but applicable to other specs. Very straightforward lesson to introduce students to the concepts of mass tourism and specialist tourism.
A lesson I did with my Year 9s when completing an introduction to plate tectonics and volcanoes. They worked through the worksheet independently and then we reviewed as a class.
For the pie chart activity, students on a table of 6 chose a colour and then completed a question or activity around it. Then they swapped with another table and peer assessed.
A lesson I designed thanks to lesson ideas already on TES. A lesson to open students up to the challenges in Africa.
The main task is differentiated to students interests. I placed the resources around the room and students chose which activities they wanted to do.
I have maps and atlases at the ready so students could label the countries they were reading and looking at.
A menu of homework for students to complete. Students select tasks from each option block according to their interests. All are encouraged to stretch themselves and complete the extra hot task!
A menu of homework for students to complete. Students select tasks from each option block according to their interests. All are encouraged to stretch themselves and complete the extra hot task!
This breaks down each Enquiry Question into the spec requirement and gives students a specific exam question to assess students understanding of it and where gaps in knowledge are. <br />
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My A Level class have really enjoyed this as it is specifically getting them to revise carefully on each EQ.<br />
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Not my original creation, but I have forgotten whom I have magpied it from.
I have students put each sticker in their books and find 2 pieces of work they are proud of and a wish- something they want to improve.<br />
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Great for peer and self-assessment.
A check for students based on Philosophy of Religion and Religious Ethics, offering them a RAG opportunity and revision aid on the units as mentioned in the Spec.