Completing the square using algebra tilesQuick View

Completing the square using algebra tiles

This resource contains:<br /> <br /> - 12 slide PowerPoint presentation introducing use of algebra tiles for completing the square, providing pupils with a concrete conceptual model for developing the &quot;formula method&quot; in later lessons;<br /> - Support worksheet with tile diagrams for pupils to record their work;<br /> - Exit ticket to assess pupils' work at the end of the lesson;<br /> - Tile templates and instructions for creating the physical resource;<br /> - Supporting documentation with a full outline explaining how to use the resources.<br /> <br /> All resources provided with a complete set of answers/solutions. <br /> Worksheets provided in both pdf and original formats to allow for adaptation.<br /> <br /> This resource bundle addresses the following Programme of Study objectives:<br /> - Key Stage 4 Higher: (Introductory material for) solving quadratic equations by completing the square.
Adding and subtracting fractions - Bundle 1Quick View

Adding and subtracting fractions - Bundle 1

This resource bundle contains:<br /> <br /> - 25 slide PowerPoint presentation introducing bar modelling for fraction addition and subtraction, including worked examples and problems for pupils to work on;<br /> - 2 support worksheets to accompany the activities in the PowerPoint;<br /> - Activities to support literacy/vocabulary work, including two word scrambles and one wordsearch;<br /> - Find the mistakes activity to address common misconceptions;<br /> - Problem-solving activities, including using fraction addition to find the perimeter of 2D shapes and solving a shopping-based problem in context;<br /> - Supporting documentation with a full outline explaining how to use the resources;<br /> - All resources provided with a complete set of answers/solutions.<br /> <br /> This resource bundle addresses the following Programme of Study objectives:<br /> - Year 5: Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and denominators that are multiples of the same number;<br /> - Year 6: Add and subtract fractions with different denominators using the concept of equivalent fractions;<br /> - Key Stage 3: Use the four operations, including formal written methods, applied to proper fractions.<br /> <br />
Rearranging Formulae GCSE HigherQuick View

Rearranging Formulae GCSE Higher

A quick summary worksheet containing typical GCSE Higher questions on rearranging a formula. Useful for homework or quick assessment. Three copies per page, so saves on printing costs!
Naming, Drawing and Measuring AnglesQuick View

Naming, Drawing and Measuring Angles

Posters and revision resource for naming, measuring and drawing angles. This was produced for Year 11 revision, and is aimed at GCSE Grade F, but could also be relevant for KS3 students.
Velocity, Distance, Time Extended StarterQuick View

Velocity, Distance, Time Extended Starter

Resources appropriate for Higher GCSE students looking at problems involving velocity, distance and time. Includes substitution and rearrangement of formulae, with an extension activity to sketch the velocity/time graph. May also be appropriate for GCSE Physics.
Grade C Formulae Consolidation QuestionsQuick View

Grade C Formulae Consolidation Questions

Worksheet suitable for homework, assessment or in-class consolidation of GCSE Grade C questions on formulae. Includes using and writing algebraic formulae and one question on (simple) rearrangement.
Useless Formulae; algebra, expressions, starterQuick View

Useless Formulae; algebra, expressions, starter

A couple of starter activities looking at a couple of 'useless' formulae, specifically for calculating the worst and the happiest day of the year. These could be used as starters as part of a topic on formulae, or on the appropriate day of the year with all classes.