Introduction to Language and TechnologyQuick View

Introduction to Language and Technology

<p>A 38 slide power point including definitions, theory, activities and exam style questions to introduce A Level English Language students to language and technology. Includes contexts, modes and theory from Crystal and Swales. The exam questions and links included are from the Eduqas A Level exam (Language Change Over Time: Section B) but can be adapted for other boards.</p>
A guide to analysing spoken language transcriptsQuick View

A guide to analysing spoken language transcripts

<p>A powerpoint detailing how to analyse a spoken language transcript for A Level English Language students, Includes a starter (link included) and tips on analysing spoken language. Includes Eduqas English Language A Level exam question and mark scheme but can be adapted for other exam boards.</p>
Analysing the Language of FacebookQuick View

Analysing the Language of Facebook

<p>A 21st Century Language lesson covering an analysis of the language of Facebook. Includes theory, definitions, activities and exam guide and exam question. Covers how the context and mode of social media sites such as Facebook impact on language use, including concepts such as code switching. Links and exam question are from the Eduqas A Level English Language exam (Language Change Over Time: Section B) but can be adapted for other exam boards.</p>
Introduction to Analysing Language DataQuick View

Introduction to Analysing Language Data

<p>The first lesson to introduce AS Level English Language students to analysing language data for the Eduqas Component 2 Exam – Using Language. Includes an introduction to analysing data, language frameworks, key definitions and a short analysis activity.</p>
Analysing Spoken Language - Received Pronunciation and Estuary EnglishQuick View

Analysing Spoken Language - Received Pronunciation and Estuary English

<p>A lesson covering idiolect in spoken language and the history of RP and Estuary English. The lesson provides definitions and theory around idiolect, RP and Estuary English for English Language students studying spoken language. There is also an activity for students to write about the impact of dialect levelling including an article link and prompt.</p>
Analysing Spoken Language Transcripts - Acceptance SpeechesQuick View

Analysing Spoken Language Transcripts - Acceptance Speeches

<p>An A Level English Language lesson analysing the spoken language features of acceptance speeches using Will Smith’s Oscar acceptance speech as a transcript to analyse. The lesson includes a link to an article about Will Smith as context along with two other acceptance speeches (from Uk and USA). There are also two analysis activities and an exam question and guide and student response. The exam question is for the Eduqas AS English Language Exam Paper (Component One: Analysis of spoken language in the media)</p>
Introduction to Language and Social ClassQuick View

Introduction to Language and Social Class

<p>An introduction/recap lesson on standard and non standard English covering language and social class. Includes definitions and theory from Giles, Trudgill, Labov and Milroy and question from Eduqas Component One, Language Conceots and Issues - Section B.</p>
Language Change Over Time Eduqas - Question 2Quick View

Language Change Over Time Eduqas - Question 2

<p>Revision power point for Eduqas Component Two Language Change Over Time, Question 2. Can also be broken up into separate lessons analysing different texts over time based on Eduqas specification. Covers information on tackling question two and different texts over time including fiction, advisory texts, travel texts, diaries and news reports. Links to exam and separate exam papers included.</p>
Introduction to Language and GenderQuick View

Introduction to Language and Gender

<p>Lesson introducing concepts around language and gender. Includes definitions, theory (Lakoff) and an activity for students to read articles on language and gender (all links included).</p>