OCR A-Level Religious Studies- Philosophy of Religion
<p>OCR A-Level Religious Studies<br />
Philosophy of Religion Topic Summary/Revision A3 Sheets<br />
Based on the OCR H573 Specification</p>
<p>Plato<br />
Aristotle<br />
Soul, Mind and Body<br />
Cosmological Argument<br />
Teleological Argument<br />
Ontological Argument<br />
Religious Language- Apophatic, Cataphatic and Symbols<br />
Religious Language- Verification, Falsification and Language Games<br />
Problem of Evil<br />
Religious Experience<br />
Attributes of God</p>
<p>Each sheet contains a summary of the topic with strengths and weaknesses of each argument including other scholars views and quotes.<br />
Notes made by me an undergraduate who completed the A-Level in 2019 with an A*.</p>