Programming Python Lessons OCR GCSE Computer Science (whole term of work)
<p>13 whole lessons and all the resources (originally intended to be an hour and a half each but could be reduced down or split) on programming in python.</p>
<p>Ideal for year 9, 10 or 11. A whole terms worth of work, all animated with answers so that a non-specialist could deliver.</p>
<p>** Includes:**</p>
<li>Programming inputs of different data types</li>
<li>Nested selection</li>
<li>MOD and DIV</li>
<li>Arrays and iteration</li>
<p>All lessons start with a “Do Now” task of recall questions<br />
Each lesson uses the I do/We do/ You do model to scaffold learning<br />
The lesson include a mix of book work and computer work but it could be all done on a computer if you don’t use exercise books.</p>
<p>Some lessons have print outs to support them (they could be adapted to do them without the printouts but the print outs have really enhanced the lessons for me).</p>
<p>The lessons have worked brilliantly for us and resulted in confidence programmers.</p>
<p>Please do leave a review if you find them helpful.</p>