Normans: Who should be King in 1066?Quick View

Normans: Who should be King in 1066?

<p>Lesson title: Who should be King in 1066? Complete lesson investigating the 4 contenders to the English throne in 1066. Pupils will make a decision on who should be King in their opinion using discussion and debate skills. All resources included in the PowerPoint. Lesson structure: Discussion on what makes a great leader, intro to the succession crisis, BBC Teach video clip, info about staking a claim, intro to the 4 contenders, activity to create an advert to sell the contender as best fit for the throne to the Witan, class vote, demonstrate: Explain who should have become King in 1066. Info on contenders in the last slides.</p>
Remembrance Day Lesson 2023Quick View

Remembrance Day Lesson 2023

<p>Remembrance Day 2023 lesson, titled ‘Why do we remember them?’ Including information, a brief history of WW1, a video, ‘the History of the Poppy’, group discussion task, and 3 choices for activities. The pack also includes a Horrible Histories themed planning task for a later sketch, and Remembrance Day 2023 colouring in sheet resources.</p>
Normans: Intro to CastlesQuick View

Normans: Intro to Castles

<p>Complete KS3 lesson titled: What was the final method William used to control the Saxons? Lesson structure: Starter asking pupils to say which of William’s other methods of control was most significant (e.g. Domesday Book, H of the North), map of castles in England, activity labelling Motte and Bailey castle, castle development of Motte and Bailey, Stone Square Keep and Concentric, diamond 9 activity deciding the best position to build a castle, demonstrate: answering 3 questions as William about castles.</p>
Normans: England before 1066Quick View

Normans: England before 1066

<p>Lesson title: What was England like before 1066? Complete lesson for KS3 as an introduction to the Norman topic. Includes PowerPoint, and any resource sheets needed. Lesson: Keyword list, knowledge check, timeline sheet, medieval person creation activity, and advice to a time traveller activity.</p>
Normans: Fulford Gate and Stamford BridgeQuick View

Normans: Fulford Gate and Stamford Bridge

<p>Lesson title: Could it all have ended differently in 1066? KS3 Normans complete enquiry lesson focusing on Fulford Gate and Stamford Bridge: activity matching contenders to their description, BBC Teach videos on FG and SB, activity using prompt/info sheet to record the story in images (dual coding), demonstrate: prediction of what may happen if William invaded now.</p>
Witchcraft in Britain and the Salem Witch TrialsQuick View

Witchcraft in Britain and the Salem Witch Trials

<p>Witchcraft in Britain and the Salem Witch Trials lesson including PowerPoint and game rules sheet. PowerPoint includes information about Witches, Witches in Britain, local Witches, the Salem Witch trials and a Witch trial role play game.<br /> Best suited to KS3 but could be adapted to KS4.<br /> Suitable for use as a full lesson, or for an extracurricular history club.</p>
Intro to Edward Jenner and vaccinationsQuick View

Intro to Edward Jenner and vaccinations

<p>A lesson titled, ‘Who was Edward Jenner and why is he important?’ Lesson includes info about Jenner, his work, reactions to his work, a video, class discussion time and a homework/classwork task.</p>
English Civil War: Choosing sidesQuick View

English Civil War: Choosing sides

<p>Lesson title: But how do I choose - King or country?<br /> Lesson content: Key differences in Royalist and Parliamentarian Soldiers. Look at how soldiers and civilians chose to support the Royalists or Parliamentarians during the English Civil War. Look at key figures in the time period and using knowledge of each side, assessing who each side would support.</p>
Normans: Attacking CastlesQuick View

Normans: Attacking Castles

<p>Complete KS3 lesson titled: How were castles attacked? Lesson structure: starter looking at a castle siege image and picking out methods of attack and defence (extra challenge to describe the use of equipment), activity: named as Chief of Castle attack for the King, info on ways to attack a castle (can be adapted into an activity), demonstrate: decide which type of attack they would use if they were going to attack specific types of castles.</p>
Normans: Castle Knowledge TestQuick View

Normans: Castle Knowledge Test

<p>Complete KS3 lesson titled: Norman Castles Knowledge Test. Lesson structure: 20 questions (5 rounds) about Norman Castles, then answer slides to follow that reveal an answer per slide.</p>
Normans: Battle of Hastings - 2 lessonsQuick View

Normans: Battle of Hastings - 2 lessons

<p>KS3 Battle of Hastings lesson - 2 lessons in 1. Lesson titles: ‘What happened at the Battle of Hastings?’ And ‘Why did William win the Battle of Hastings?’ Lesson structure: BBC Teach clip showing the Battle of Hastings, recap about events leading to Hastings, info about the strengths of armies, info about distance covered by Harold G (can be turned into Math task), activity exploring reasons William won (can be collaborative), class vote, big demonstrate: Explain the key reason that William won the Battle of Hastings in 1066 (using 4 topics just researched).</p>
Pals Battalions lessonQuick View

Pals Battalions lesson

<p>A lesson about the Pals Battalions, titled ‘Who were the Pals Battalions?’ The lesson includes information about local pals (Yorkshire), a video with discussion, 4 information sheets to read and answer questions to, and an assessment question at the end. All resources included.</p>
Slave Ship Zong lessonQuick View

Slave Ship Zong lesson

<ul> <li>Lesson on the Slave Ship Zong</li> <li>Includes interpretation from the book ‘Freedom’</li> <li>Video linked</li> <li>Story board task</li> <li>Plenary that links back to the interpretation</li> </ul>
Life in the Trenches lessonQuick View

Life in the Trenches lesson

<p>A lesson entitled ‘What was life like in the trenches?’ This lesson investigates what life was like for soldiers in the trenches of the First World War. The lesson includes a recall task, a video, information and context, a trench system diagram with labels, a gather and share task about positive morale in the trenches, and an assessment task at the end. Resources such as the grid sheet to work on, and the information The Christmas Truce, The Wipers Times, friendship and The Home Front are also included in the ppt. The assessment task asks them to write one positive and negative aspect of life in the trenches.</p>
Normans: William's solutions after 1066Quick View

Normans: William's solutions after 1066

<p>Complete KS3 lesson titled 'What were William’s solutions after 1066? Lesson structure: recall William’s problems, outline 2 solutions (Domesday Book and Harrying of the North), investigate solutions activity, demonstrate: Did William solve his problems after he became King in 1066?</p>
Normans: Defending CastlesQuick View

Normans: Defending Castles

<p>Complete KS3 lesson titled: How did the Normans defend their castles? Lesson structure: HH video about castles and pupils take notes, 9 slides with 9 ways and info about defending castles that can be developed into an activity, demonstrate: choose one way of defending a castle and say why you would choose that one, extra challenge - draw it.</p>
Normans: Design, Battle Plan and Story tasksQuick View

Normans: Design, Battle Plan and Story tasks

<p>3 KS3 activities that can round off a Norman Castles topic. Task 1: Design (using a budget, design the best Norman Castle), Task 2: Battle Plan (plan to attack a castle), Task 3: Story (create a story/letter/diary entry).</p>
Gunpowder Plot 'Why were they punished so harshly?' LessonQuick View

Gunpowder Plot 'Why were they punished so harshly?' Lesson

<p>A compact lesson on the Gunpowder Plot, titled ‘Why were they punished so harshly?’ Includes source analysis, a chronological card sort, an discussion of whether the punishments the plotters received were fair, and a letter writing task. Includes all the information for the card sort within the ppt.</p>
Normans: William's problems after 1066Quick View

Normans: William's problems after 1066

<p>Complete KS3 lesson titled: What were William’s problems after 1066? Lesson structure: Sorting statements activity to show how far pupils believe something is a rebellion, info about William after Hastings, outline 3 main problems William had after Hastings (rewarding supporters, 1068 and 1069 rebellion), activity collecting info about each 3 and rating how far it was a problem, demonstrate: write a letter home as William telling a friend about the problems.</p>
Greta Thunberg and Climate ChangeQuick View

Greta Thunberg and Climate Change

<p>Lesson title: Why is Greta Thunberg encouraging school children to strike?<br /> Lesson objective: Assess the impacts of climate change and why Greta T wants children to strike for it<br /> Lesson content: Greenhouse gases, positive and negative effects of climate change, diagrams, Greta T info.<br /> Resources: Printing/resources at the end of the PPT.</p>
Civil Rights Classroom DisplayQuick View

Civil Rights Classroom Display

<p>Civil Rights classroom display featuring:</p> <ul> <li>Example wall display</li> <li>Protesting with key facts images</li> <li>Key figures</li> <li>Key facts</li> <li>Key images</li> <li>Wall lettering</li> </ul>