Computing Hall of Fame Profiles
<p>Hall of Fame profiles that can be used for a display in a classroom.</p>
<p>There is a mix of male and female profiles as well as people of different faiths, ethnicities and members of the LGBT+ community</p>
Computing and computing-related careers
<p>Name tags that show a variety of Computing careers or careers where Computing can help give you vital skills</p>
BME Computing Hall of Fame
<p>A 10-person Hall of Fame profile set focusing on members of the Black and Minority Ethnicity communities that have made contributions to Computing and the representation of BME people in the industry.</p>
<p>Includes men and women who are Black, Asian, Middle Eastern and Native American</p>
Updated Technology Hall of Fame
<p>A redo of a previous resource. This version is laid out like postage stamps where the image of the person is in the middle, name in bold at the top and profession at the bottom.<br />
They are more brief than the previous version of the hall of fame but this version allows the resource to be used as a starting point for research tasks.</p>