KS3 Art Homework for the yearQuick View

KS3 Art Homework for the year

<p>This is an Art resource aimed at improving creativity and observational drawing. It can be uploaded to a digital homework platform or printed onto A3 and handed out at the start of the year. The resource provides weekly homework for the whole academic year.</p> <p>I personally use this resource with Year 7s but it is appropriate for any KS3 group and even KS4.</p> <p>This saves a load of time and printing resources.</p>
Analysing Graphic DesignsQuick View

Analysing Graphic Designs

<p>This is an ideal resource for students learning to break down, analyse and criticise works of Graphic Art. This is good for the new Visual Communication course under the Art Specification as well as any Graphic courses under the DT specification.</p> <p>This resource will also help students to understand the ways of conveying meaning and ideas behind their work.</p>
GCSE DT Revision Study GuideQuick View

GCSE DT Revision Study Guide

<p>This is a study guide for the GCSE DT 1-9 course and focuses on materials. It covers core knowledge of the materials as well as well as specialist knowledge of timbers. It is to be used as a revision guide and covers everything as an overview.</p> <p>Our kids couldn’t afford the official study guide so this is designed to be printed in black and white and used throughout the year.</p> <p>Please note it is a word document so it can be edited as you see fit and adapted to your centres, images are shown as an example and should be replaced with images specific to your own school. I have put them in so you can see in terms of positioning etc…</p>
Target Market/ The UserQuick View

Target Market/ The User

This is a fantastic page that can be used in Product Design, Graphics, Resistant Materials, Food Technology and any other area in which knowledge of a Target Market is required.<br /> <br /> It contains a wide variety of questions that students can ask themselves about their chosen Target Market in order to get a complete idea of who it is that they are aiming at selling their product to or designing it for.<br /> <br /> With this sheet students have achieved maximum marks in controlled assessments due to their thorough understanding of their chosen user.
GCSE Design and Technology Test Set: Core KnowledgeQuick View

GCSE Design and Technology Test Set: Core Knowledge

<p>This is a set of Tests on section 1 of the GCSE 1-9 for Design and Technology. It covers all core knowledge laid out in accordance with the textbook sections. These tests cover sections 1.1-1.6 of the official textbook.</p> <p>They are designed to prepare students for the exams and contain a number of multiple choice, 2 mark and 3 mark questions that form the bulk of the theory exam. It can be set for formative assessment and tracked in which case delivery would be 20 mins and marking with explanation using the model answers would take a further 10-20.</p> <p>Alternatively they could be used as a basis for a research lesson- open book test for distance learning or cover in which they will need the full hour.</p> <p>There are 6 tests included in this pack as well as 6 sets of model answers explaining mark allocation. I have left the tests in an editable word document format so that they can be altered and reused. The questions are exam style.</p> <p>Follow up packs for later specialist sections will follow so make sure you ‘follow’ me as an author.</p> <p>I have kept the cost low so that everyone can afford them but still help towards the time I have put into them.</p>
COVER LESSONS KS4 Design and Technology GCSE Worksheet Pack: CORE PRINCIPLESQuick View

COVER LESSONS KS4 Design and Technology GCSE Worksheet Pack: CORE PRINCIPLES

<p>This is a set of 10 worksheets, covering CORE PRINCIPLES for the Design and Technology GCSE course. They are flexibly designed to be used both in lesson as a teaching resource as well as homework for lesson reflection or further study.</p> <p>Each worksheet has links to specific pages of the CGP Study Guide, as well specific sections for Seneca Online Learning and reference to BBC Bitesize should students decide to refer to these resources or learn in greater depth.</p> <p>The questions are a combination of knowledge and visual questions.</p> <p>They work well in combination with the test packs I have been selling but can be used completely on their own.</p> <p>Each worksheet is a Word document and fully editable to match the needs of your specific school or college. This also means that should you wish to alter them to reflect specific questions after mock exams question analysis, you can.</p>
Health and Safety for KS2-3Quick View

Health and Safety for KS2-3

<p>This is a simple resource designed to <strong>promote safe working environments</strong>. It is fully editable so that you can adapt it for your school’s needs and add necessary logos.</p> <p>Simply laminate the sheet, and appoint a ‘Health and Safety Officer’ or several. Point out key things they need to look out for in the lesson and students can write these with a board marker on the sheet. Their job is to then keep an eye on other students and make sure that the tasks are being carried out in the way the teacher instructed. It enables the more able learners to become independent and gives them a sense of achievement as well as providing the teacher with another set of eyes in the classroom or workshop.</p> <p>Once printed off and laminated, it can be used indefinitely for any lesson where their is a potential hazard.</p>
Weekly Art Homeworks for the entire year! What a time saver!Quick View

Weekly Art Homeworks for the entire year! What a time saver!

<p>This is an A3 sheet, designed to save time and printing cost. There are weekly homeworks for art students that can be done over the course of a year. It can be uploaded onto digital homework sites or printed off and given to students at the start of the academic year.</p> <p>The tasks are designed to be accessible for all and develop observational drawing skill as well as creativity.</p> <p>It can be linked to a reward system with one challenging homework per term as well.</p>