Life in Modern Britain - GCSE Citizenship RevisionQuick View

Life in Modern Britain - GCSE Citizenship Revision

<p>GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision guide and work booklet for AQA Theme 1: Life in Modern Britain. Citizenship GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards.</p> <p>Simple and easy layout for students. The resource includes a 26 pages work booklet and matching 26 pages answer PowerPoint which also acts as a printable revision guide. It will save you hours of planning.</p> <p>The resource includes all subject content outlined in the AQA specification. Including:</p> <ol> <li>What British values are.</li> <li>The different types of identity and how identity is formed.</li> <li>Immigration and emigration including the strengths and weaknesses of immigration to the UK.</li> <li>The role of the media.</li> <li>The right of the media to report and investigate issues of public interest.</li> <li>Press regulation and censorship.</li> <li>The role of the UK within international organisations.</li> <li>How the UK has assisted in resolving international disputes and conflicts, and the range of methods used.</li> <li>How non-governmental organisations (NGOs) respond to humanitarian crises.</li> <li>The opportunities and barriers to citizen participation in democracy.</li> <li>The actions a citizen can take who wishes to hold those in power to account.</li> <li>The role of organisations in helping people.</li> <li>Two different examples of how citizens working together to bring change.</li> <li>How those who wish to bring change use the media.</li> </ol> <p>Other units for this exam are currently under development and will be available to purchase very soon.</p>
Christian Practices GCSE RevisionQuick View

Christian Practices GCSE Revision

<p>This A3 double sided sheet covers all topics included in the GCSE Christian Practices unit for AQA. It allows you and your students to assess how much they know and which topics need further teaching and learning.<br /> The resource can be used in lesson as a starter/plenary or can be set for homework.</p>
GCSE Religious Studies Revision MapsQuick View

GCSE Religious Studies Revision Maps

4 Resources
<p>GCSE Religious Studies Revision Maps for AQA Paper 1.<br /> These A3 double sided sheets cover all the topics included Paper 1. Four sheets are included.</p> <ol> <li>Christian beliefs</li> <li>Christian Practices</li> <li>Muslim Beliefs</li> <li>Muslim Practices</li> </ol> <p>This resource allows you and your students to assess how much they know and which topics need further teaching and learning. It can be used in lesson as a starter/plenary or can be set for homework.</p>
Christian Beliefs GCSE RevisionQuick View

Christian Beliefs GCSE Revision

<p>This A3 double sided sheet covers all topics included in the GCSE Christian Beliefs unit for AQA. It allows you and your students to assess how much they know and which topics need further teaching and learning.<br /> The resource can be used in lesson as a starter/plenary or can be set for homework.</p>
Muslim Practices GCSE RevisionQuick View

Muslim Practices GCSE Revision

<p>This A3 double sided sheet covers all topics included in the GCSE Muslim Practices unit for AQA. It allows you and your students to assess how much they know and which topics need further teaching and learning.<br /> The resource can be used in lesson as a starter/plenary or can be set for homework.</p>
GCSE RE Revision - Religion and LifeQuick View

GCSE RE Revision - Religion and Life

<p>This A3 double sided sheet covers all topics included in the GCSE Religion and Life unit for AQA. It allows you and your students to assess how much they know and which topics need further teaching and learning.<br /> The resource can be used in lesson as a starter/plenary or can be set for homework.</p>
Muslim Beliefs GCSE RevisionQuick View

Muslim Beliefs GCSE Revision

<p>This A3 double sided sheet covers all topics included in the GCSE Muslim Beliefs unit for AQA. It allows you and your students to assess how much they know and which topics need further teaching and learning.<br /> The resource can be used in lesson as a starter/plenary or can be set for homework.</p>
Christian Practices - GCSE Religious Studies RevisionQuick View

Christian Practices - GCSE Religious Studies Revision

<p>GCSE Religious Studies 9-1 Revision guide and work booklet for AQA Component 1: Christian Practices GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards.</p> <p>Simple and easy layout for students. The resource includes a work booklet and matching answer PowerPoint which also acts as a printable revision guide. It will save you hours of planning.</p> <p>The resource includes all subject content outlined in the AQA specification. Including:</p> <ul> <li>Different forms of worship</li> <li>Prayer</li> <li>Baptism</li> <li>Holy Communion</li> <li>Festivals</li> <li>Pilgrimage</li> <li>Role of the Church in the local community (food banks and street pastors)</li> <li>Mission, evangelism and church growth</li> <li>Reconciliation</li> <li>Persecution</li> <li>Poverty</li> </ul>
Peace and Conflict AQA - GCSE Religious Studies RevisionQuick View

Peace and Conflict AQA - GCSE Religious Studies Revision

<p>GCSE Religious Studies 9-1 Revision guide and work booklet for AQA Peace and Conflict GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards.</p> <p>Simple and easy layout for students with images to support visual learning. Includes key content, religious teachings and scripture. The resource includes a work booklet and matching answer PowerPoint which also acts as a printable revision guide. It will save you hours of planning.</p> <p>The resource includes all subject content outlined in the AQA specification for this unit.</p>
Muslim Practices - GCSE Religious Studies RevisionQuick View

Muslim Practices - GCSE Religious Studies Revision

<p>GCSE Religious Studies 9-1 Revision guide and work booklet for AQA Component 1: Muslim Practices GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards.</p> <p>Simple and easy layout for students. The resource includes a 22 page work booklet and matching 22 page answer PowerPoint which also acts as a printable revision guide. It will save you hours of planning.</p> <p>The resource includes all subject content outlined in the AQA specification. Including:</p> <ol> <li>Key words</li> <li>The Five Pillars, the Ten Obligatory Acts &amp; the Shahadah</li> <li>Salah: The Daily Prayers</li> <li>Sawm: Fasting during Ramadan</li> <li>Zakah: almsgiving</li> <li>Hajj</li> <li>Jihad</li> <li>Festivals: Id-ul-Fitr and Id-ul-Adha</li> <li>Festival of Ashura</li> <li>Religious scripure relevant to each topic area</li> </ol>