Quick ViewMTheophaniSelecting a statistical test (0)<p>AQA psychology paper 2. Selecting a statistical test flow chart</p>
Quick ViewMTheophaniSocial Influence model 16 answers (0)<p>Model 16 markers for all of Social Influence. Includes colour coded, strengths, weaknesses & key words as well as advice on AO3</p>
Quick ViewMTheophaniSocial Learning theory (0)<p>full lesson ppt on SLT, inclusding starter, main (Bandura et al), real life case study and evalautive points</p>
Quick ViewMTheophaniCaregiver interactions (0)<p>intro to attachment. caregiver interactions including egg baby project</p>
Quick ViewMTheophaniApproaches to Psychology Booklets (0)<p>full booklet for all of the approaches topics. Including starts, main tasks, exam questions and space for evaluations.</p>
Quick ViewMTheophaniThe Behaviourist Approach (0)<p>Powerpoint on the behaviourist approach to psychology.<br /> AQA<br /> Starter, Main and Evaluation Included</p>
Quick ViewMTheophaniBiological Approach (0)<p>Full lesson, Starter (menti), main tasks, evaluation</p>
Quick ViewMTheophaniCognitive Approach (0)<p>Full Lesson ppt. Starter, main (group task), evaluation</p>