<p>A powerpoint presentation explaining the four Ps of the marketing mix. 13 slides with animations adding key words and phrases. Pictures illustrating the main points of product, price, place and promotion.</p>
<p>A PowerPoint presentation explaining market segmentation. Deals with the importance of identifying and understanding customers, how segmentation takes place, identifying market segments based on age & gender, income levels, geography and lifestyle.</p>
<p>Also covers reasons for market segmentation, types of segmentation and importance of segmentation. 19 slides.</p>
<p>A powerpoint presentation explaining the barriers to international trade.</p>
<p>The presentation has two parts.</p>
<p>One part deals with tariffs.<br />
The other part deals with Trading Blocs.</p>
<p>Each part includes a definition, advantages and disadvantages.</p>
<p>A Powerpoint presentation of what customers needs are and why understanding them is important to business success.</p>
<p>The first part of the presentation deals with the main aspects of customer needs namely <strong>price</strong>, <strong>quality</strong>, <strong>choice</strong> and <strong>convenience</strong>.</p>
<p>The second part deals with the importance of understanding customer needs with a focus on <strong>generating sales</strong> and <strong>business survival</strong>.</p>
<p>Choose the missing vowels. A picture of the item with the name missing a vowel. 8 Worksheets with 4 items per page. 32 unique words. Black and white pictures for easy printing. UK spelling.</p>
<p>The words are:<br />
fridge; rolling pin; stove; frying pan; knife; cutting board; bowl; fork; saucer; table; microwave oven; chair; teaspoon; jug; pot; sieve; bread knife; tap; oven mitt; bottle opener; spatula; can of peas; teapot; corkscrew; tablecloth; kitchen sink; blender; jar; mixing bowl; cupboard; grater; ladle</p>
<p>A power point presentation showing lines of symmetry for various basic shape. Suitable for introducing the concept of symmetry. 35 slides. A brief explanation is included.</p>
<p>A set of 50+ rebus puzzles. Each slide has the puzzle with the answer animated in. Great for developing language skills. I have also used this resource in staff development for co-operative problem solving.</p>
<p>A power point illustrating patterns. Includes AB, ABB, AAB, AABB and ABC patterns. Names of shapes are also included. Suitable for introducing the concept of patterns. The NAME of the next shape must be named, thus re-inforcing shape identification and pattern recognition.</p>
<p>Introduction to measuring length. Children must measure the length of items in units. The power point has a picture, a unit grid and answers on each slide. The lengths are measured in units (blocks) not decimal or imperial. Each slide is animated. 20 Slides included.</p>
<p>A cross-curricular resource that assists with pattern recognition and vocabulary development. Patterns include AB; ABC; AAB; ABB and AABB. There area 100 unique words and 25 patterns. Children must name the next item in the pattern thus building pattern skills and vocabulary.</p>
<p>A series of worksheets introducing tables, graphs and data. Suitable for any subject that presents data. Table have up to 2 variables, while graphs have 1 variable. Includes tables, bar graphs and line graphs.</p>
<p>An animated power point presentation show positional words. The words include above, below, in front of, behind, between, in, out of, inside, on, off,up, down, across,into first and last. The slides tell where the cat is and the cat then appears. 30+ slides.</p>
<p>48 Easy Double Puzzles. Unscramble the words. Use the circled letters to complete the final word or phrase at the bottom. Each circled letter is used just once. Most words are 4 letters or less. Themes include weather, animals, sea, house, beach, ocean and Kitchen. Answers included.</p>
<p>Can you climb the pyramid? An animated power point with worked examples (20) of how to solve the pyramid puzzle (addition). Activity sheets (4) also included, as well as, a template so that you can do your own.</p>
<p>A bilingual vocabulary / woordeskat power point resource. The topic is kitchen / kombuis with subcategories appliances, ingredients, breakfast, lunch, supper and dessert. Separated into sections. Each animated slide has a photo and the names of the items in English and Afrikaans. 60 slides. Suitable for HL, FAL and SAL.</p>
<p>A power point illustrating patterns. Includes AB, ABB, AAB, AABB and ABC patterns. Names of animals are also included. Suitable for introducing the concept of patterns. The NAME of the next animal must be named, thus re-inforcing animal identification and pattern recognition. Cross-curricular resource.</p>