key stage 2, Mental Maths BookletQuick View

key stage 2, Mental Maths Booklet

I have designed and created five 10minute mental maths tests ideally for year four children however it can be used across key stage two. <br /> <br /> The tests are fun and colourful, they contain:<br /> number<br /> fractions<br /> money problems<br /> addition<br /> subtraction<br /> multiplications<br /> and many more which can be used at home or in class.
six and eights times tablesQuick View

six and eights times tables

This is what i use for half of my class who struggle with their six and eight times tables, and each time we go through this at the end of each day they seem to be improving!
MeasuresQuick View


This document contains 10 random questions for year 5 and 6 questions based on measuring. It can be used to test the children after a topic on measures has been covered in maths. The answers are also included on page two for the teacher/parent.