GCSE Dance Motif Development 'Bingo' Activity Task Card
<p>A resource that I made for Year 9 GCSE dance students. This resource is also appropriate for Years 10 and 11 as well as students studying a different specification.</p>
<p>What is the resource?<br />
The resource is a 3x3 ‘bingo’ style grid, containing 9 different ways to vary or develop a motif. The squares are colour coded. Red being the squares with simpler developments and green squares having more complex developments. The middle square contains an ‘extra challenge’.</p>
<p>How can I use it in my lesson?<br />
This resource can be displayed or projected on a presentation to the class. I have tended to print off copies and laminate them for students. In tasks, students use a whiteboard pen to cross off the developments they have used in their choreography until they reach 3 in a row (or bingo!). Students can choose the developments they use. If they choose to go across, they can complete an easy or hard task. If they choose to go downwards, they can use a mixture of easy to more complex developments. They can also choose to go diagonally, through the challenge square.</p>
<p>Is this resource adaptable?<br />
Yes! The resource will be downloadable in PowerPoint which means tasks or colours can be adapted to suit your school or cohort.</p>