Stone Age features of writingQuick View

Stone Age features of writing

<p>Year 3 Features of Writing – Stone Age Theme</p> <p>This differentiated writing bundle supports Year 3 pupils in exploring key writing styles while making strong cross-curricular links to the Stone Age. It includes:</p> <p>Features of a letter (3 levels of differentiation)<br /> Features of a narrative poem (3 levels of differentiation)<br /> Features of a haiku (3 examples at different reading levels)<br /> Features of a limerick (3 examples at different reading levels)<br /> Features of a free verse poem (3 examples at different reading levels)<br /> Features of a performance poem (3 different types)<br /> Features of a character description (3 levels of differentiation)<br /> Features of a setting description (3 levels of differentiation)<br /> All texts are presented in the Open Dyslexia font for accessibility. Each example includes a clear checklist for pupils to color-code, helping them identify key features in writing.</p> <p>These resources serve as WAGOLLs to introduce each writing unit, ensuring that all students—including Working Towards, Met, and Greater Depth writers, as well as EAL learners—can engage with appropriately leveled examples.</p> <p>The performance poems have been successfully used in sharing assemblies, receiving positive feedback from parents and school leaders.</p> <p>Feedback is welcome! I’m planning to upload similar resources for the Romans, Vikings, and Egyptians soon.</p>
Shackleton's journey VIPERS reading comprehensionQuick View

Shackleton's journey VIPERS reading comprehension

<p>30 reading comprehension sheets based on Shackleton’s Journey by William Grill.<br /> Based on Literacy Shed’s reading VIPERS.<br /> Targeted skill focus sheets on: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explain, retrieval, and summary</p> <p>These sheets cover one chapter or double page spread each.</p> <p>Full half term planning scheme suitable for KS2 (Year 3-6)</p>
Intro to adding and subtracting integersQuick View

Intro to adding and subtracting integers

<p>Introduction or recap adding and subtracting integers.</p> <p>Short story which my maths teacher told me many years ago to teach the rules for adding a negative, subtracting a negative, adding a positive, and subtracting a positive.</p> <p>Uses a wild west theme.<br /> PowerPoint goes through the rules and some whole class examples.<br /> 3 way differentiated worksheets (at the end of PowerPoint) with answers.</p> <p>Feedback appreciated.</p> <p>Use from Year 6- KS4</p>
International Space StationQuick View

International Space Station

<p>Interactive Powerpoint to teach pupils about the International Space Station.</p> <ul> <li>Parts of the International Space Station</li> <li>Facts about the ISS</li> <li>Videos around interviewing an astronaut, watching the space ship be built</li> <li>Link to the NASA website to learn about the current crew.</li> <li>Prompts for discussion questions.</li> </ul> <p>Used as part of online learning.<br /> Special interest of one of the pupils in my class.</p> <p>Reviews welcomed</p>
Tudor RoseQuick View

Tudor Rose

<p>Brief history of the Tudor Rose.<br /> 4 art ideas with brief explanations for pupils creating their own Tudor Rose</p> <p>There is a link to Horrible History clip about the War of The Roses.</p> <p>Links to art ideas and credits given when know.</p>
Class transition Bingo!Quick View

Class transition Bingo!

<p>3 different pages of bingo to get children talking to their peers at the beginning of the new school year or during the get to know the new teacher session.</p> <p>Can be used in a class with more than 15 pupils.<br /> Use for Year 2 up- secondary school.</p> <p>Feedback is appreciated.</p>
Tudor Homophones differentiated worksheetQuick View

Tudor Homophones differentiated worksheet

<p>3 different worksheets for common homophones</p> <p>1st sheet pupils cross out the wrong homophone<br /> 2nd sheet pupils pick correct homophone from word bank<br /> 3rd sheet pupils have to decide the homophone pair for the sentence independently (answers at the bottom)</p>
Roll a story inspirationQuick View

Roll a story inspiration

<p>4 roll a story templates.</p> <p>Story inspiration for:</p> <ul> <li>Halloween,</li> <li>Easter (non-religious),</li> <li>Christmas (non-religious)</li> <li>Summer.</li> </ul> <p>All you need is one die to roll two characters, problem and setting.<br /> Can be used for as part of a writing a story scheme of work, welcome back or end of term English writing activity.</p> <p>Suitable for KS1 and KS2 (age ranger 6-11+) and EAL.</p> <p>Feedback is welcomed!</p>
Amazon Animal RiddlesQuick View

Amazon Animal Riddles

<p>Simple “What am I?” riddles based on Amazon Rainforest animals.</p> <p>4 riddles based on a monkey, mosquito, Amazon dolphin, and a sloth</p> <p>Tips on how to write your own “What am I” riddle.</p>
Roll an Ancient Egyptian storyQuick View

Roll an Ancient Egyptian story

<p>Roll a story template.</p> <p>Story inspiration for an Ancient Egyptian story involving the Egyptian Gods.</p> <p>All you need is one die to roll two characters, problem and setting.<br /> Can be used for as part of a writing a story scheme of work or cross curricular English writing activity.</p> <p>Suitable for KS2.<br /> Feedback is welcomed!</p>
Simple Ocean RiddlesQuick View

Simple Ocean Riddles

<p>Simple “What am I?” riddles based on ocean animals.</p> <p>4 riddles based on Blue Whales, Great White Shark, Turtles, and Jellyfish.</p> <p>Tips on how to write your own “What am I” riddle.</p> <p>Use as part of World Ocean Day; under the sea; poetry writing; and animal adaptation modules.</p> <p>Can be used from Year 2- Year 6. Really good for EAL and SEN pupils.</p> <p>Extend by getting pupils to research facts, using a different rhyme scheme, and writing about unusual animals.</p> <p>Feedback is appreciated.</p>
Roll a Fairy storyQuick View

Roll a Fairy story

<p>Roll a story template based on well known fairy/ traditional tales.</p> <p>All you need is one die to roll two characters, problem and setting.<br /> Can be used for as part of a writing a story scheme of work, welcome back or end of term English writing activity.</p> <p>Suitable for KS1 and KS2 (age ranger 6-11+) and EAL.</p> <p>Feedback is welcomed!</p>
Turtle unit (science and maths)Quick View

Turtle unit (science and maths)

<p>Information powerpoint on green turtles and the dangers caused by pollution and global warming<br /> Linked differentiated worksheets on:</p> <ul> <li>adaptations</li> <li>life cycles</li> </ul> <p>Differentiated turtle word questions for addition and coordinates</p>
Roll a Roman storyQuick View

Roll a Roman story

<p>Roll a story template.<br /> Story inspiration for Roman story involving the Roman Gods and famous figures.</p> <p>All you need is one die to roll two characters, problem and setting.<br /> Can be used for as part of a writing a story scheme of work or cross curricular English writing activity.</p> <p>Suitable for KS2.<br /> Feedback is welcomed!</p>
Roll a Tudor storyQuick View

Roll a Tudor story

<p>Roll a story template.<br /> Story inspiration for Tudor story involving Henry VIII’s wives and other famous Royals.</p> <p>All you need is one die to roll two characters, problem and setting.<br /> Can be used for as part of a writing a story scheme of work or cross curricular English writing activity.</p> <p>Suitable for KS2.<br /> Feedback is welcomed!</p>
What am I? Animal riddlesQuick View

What am I? Animal riddles

<p>Simple “What am I?” riddles based on UK woodland animals.</p> <p>4 riddles based on a badger, fox, barn owl, and deer</p> <p>Tips on how to write your own “What am I” riddle.</p>