Stone Age features of writing
<p>Year 3 Features of Writing – Stone Age Theme</p>
<p>This differentiated writing bundle supports Year 3 pupils in exploring key writing styles while making strong cross-curricular links to the Stone Age. It includes:</p>
<p>Features of a letter (3 levels of differentiation)<br />
Features of a narrative poem (3 levels of differentiation)<br />
Features of a haiku (3 examples at different reading levels)<br />
Features of a limerick (3 examples at different reading levels)<br />
Features of a free verse poem (3 examples at different reading levels)<br />
Features of a performance poem (3 different types)<br />
Features of a character description (3 levels of differentiation)<br />
Features of a setting description (3 levels of differentiation)<br />
All texts are presented in the Open Dyslexia font for accessibility. Each example includes a clear checklist for pupils to color-code, helping them identify key features in writing.</p>
<p>These resources serve as WAGOLLs to introduce each writing unit, ensuring that all students—including Working Towards, Met, and Greater Depth writers, as well as EAL learners—can engage with appropriately leveled examples.</p>
<p>The performance poems have been successfully used in sharing assemblies, receiving positive feedback from parents and school leaders.</p>
<p>Feedback is welcome! I’m planning to upload similar resources for the Romans, Vikings, and Egyptians soon.</p>