WW1 - Women, Children & AnimalsQuick View

WW1 - Women, Children & Animals

An adaptable presention (12 slides) that introduces WW1 to early year students, focusing mainly on ‘what women did to support the war effort’ and ‘how animals were unlitised at home and on the front line’. Starting with simple questains ‘whats a museum?’ ‘what a Historian?’ Key words: Museum Historian Time-line Year 1914 King George V Evidence Front Line Mascot Glow worms Including a BBC Bitesize video link and link to ukphotoarchive photos. Includes ‘Whats a Mascot?’ Worksheet were students can get creative, good way to check for any misconceptions. These resources are protected by Brentwood Museum and can not be sold or redistributed without revevent permisstions. Thanks for buying, happy teaching!