<p>Condensed notes for Edexcel A Level Paper 3 Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII.</p>
<p>Breadth Study 1: Over-mighty Subjects.</p>
<p><em><strong>Summary Notes</strong></em></p>
<p>What was the significance of the evolution of Britain’s network of ports, entrepots and trade routes in the years 1763-1914?</p>
<p>A summary revision resource getting students to think about <strong>patterns of trade.</strong></p>
<p>Edexcel 9-1 History Superpower Relations and the Cold War</p>
<p>Key Topic 1 Activity Booklet.</p>
<p>Use in conjunction with a revision guide or the Pearson textbook to assist students in revision. My students complete one (two pages) each lesson and then we mark it together at the end to address any misconceptions.</p>
<p>Edexcel 9-1 History Superpower Relations and the Cold War</p>
<p>Key Topic 2 Activity Booklet.</p>
<p>Use in conjunction with a revision guide or the Pearson textbook to assist students in revision. My students complete one (two pages) each lesson and then we mark it together at the end to address any misconceptions.</p>