Careers Leader Events Plan CalendarQuick View

Careers Leader Events Plan Calendar

<p>Calendar showing statutory and non-statutory experiences and encounters for secondary students to have. Colour linked to Gatsby Benchmarks.</p> <p>Gives overview of whole year followed by a monthly breakdown of what should happen when. Good starting place especially for new careers leads.</p>
Visual TimetableQuick View

Visual Timetable

<p>Widgit Visual Timetable - suitable for primary or SEND pupils.</p> <p>Includes all main lessons under various names.</p> <p>Needs to be printed as A4 to not be pixelated. Can then be photocopied larger.</p> <p>Email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> for specific additions that are needed - the resource will be updated.</p>
Botanical Nature Themed Classroom Display Resource PackQuick View

Botanical Nature Themed Classroom Display Resource Pack

<p>Pack contains:</p> <p>Display title lettering<br /> Welcome banners<br /> Folder covers<br /> Birthday displays<br /> Four operations posters<br /> 2D shapes posters<br /> Times Table squares<br /> 100 Squares<br /> Months of the year display<br /> Current book poster</p> <p>I am committed to updating the contents of this pack - please provide feedback on other resources you would like added and I will create and upload (meaning you will automatically receive new resources as part of your original purchase.</p> <p>Email: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Careers / Preparation for Adulthood / Life Skills Scheme of Work (resourced)Quick View

Careers / Preparation for Adulthood / Life Skills Scheme of Work (resourced)

<p>Fully resourced and planned Careers / Life Skills / Preparation for Adulthood Scheme of Work for Secondary students. Links to resources (Unifrog / Barclays etc). All mapped to show links to Gatsby Benchmarks.</p> <p>Covers 6 half terms, 6 learning intentions in each. Planned for Y7-Y11.</p> <p>All years follow the following topics:</p> <p>Who Am I?<br /> My Skills<br /> Community Participation<br /> Life and Work<br /> The Big Picture<br /> Experiences of the Workplace</p>